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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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Kaniehtí:io "Ziio" Aarushi

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Emperor Nobunaga Ezofuji
Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
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 Jian Zhu

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Jian Zhu
Jian Zhu

Posts : 3
Age : 25
Join date : 2016-06-13

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PostSubject: Jian Zhu   Jian Zhu I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2016 2:58 pm

Name: Jian Zhu

Age: 16

Birthplace: Vermillion Dragon Empire

Current Residence: Dragon Island

Rank: Bender

Occupation: Hunter

Element: Fire (Lightning, mostly)

Pets: None yet

Weapons: None yet

Birthday: 3rd of June

Blood type: AB-

Hobbies: Talking with dragons and hunting

Quirks: Marks on his left arm, like some kind of tattoo, forming a strange pattern.

Family: Hitsumi (Mother)

Character Theme:

Hair: He has a middle-high, black hair that bristles a little, sort of like a black fire.

Height: 5'7

Clothes:  He usually wears a greenish jersey, having a grey shirt under. His pants are long and sandy, reaching down to his heels; his boots are brown and steady, providing with good foothold. He also wears a brown pair of gloves and a silver necklace that was given to him by his mother.

Skin: His skin is dark, a little darker than usual, dark types from where he comes from. It's a little rough, and also very warm.

Body Type: His body is middle-high and a little bulked. Although, it's not very visible on him, but he has some apparent muscles around his stomach, arms and legs.


Jian Zhu Daiko_10

Personality: He is sort of a funny guy to hang out with; he mainly wants to experience things around him. He's a kind being, especially towards animals, but also very naïve; he mostly stays for himself when dashing around. He easily gets excited or angry, which is typical due to the flames within him.

Personal Strengths:

1. Good with Lightning Arts

2. Can speak with animals' minds.

3. Knows of many species of plants' effects on the human being.

Personal Weaknesses

1. He can't really concentrate that great during battle.

2. He easily gets tricked.


Hamartia: Too Naïve: He rarely sees the dangers around him clear enough, which mostly brings unlucky things to his path.

Dreams and Ambitions: He strives to become a master of lightning, as he finds it even more interesting to master than normal fire.


1. Food; he loves to eat literally anything edible.

2. Training; if he can get stronger, then he's up for it.

3. Animals; he's always loved to learn about species and their distinctive characteristics.

4. Bonfires; it feels nice to be close to a bonfire and warming up, even though his body rarely gets cold in a regular night.

5. Exploring; merely thinking about the great world out there makes him thirst for adventure.


1. Demons; He fears this image of demons, lurking in the darkness to assault him.

2. Snakes; have you ever been swallowed by a snake? Lucky you.

3. Too Delicate Food; Somehow, he's more to raw, 'tough' food.

4. Hanging Upside Down; It's not his style, actually. It gives him a little feeling of sickness.

5. Moths; They're annoying as hell when they fly around him.

Brief History: He was born in the Vermillion Dragon Empire, where his parents resided. After living a couple years there, they decided to move to the Dragon Island for some unknown reason that his parents has yet to say to their only child. Although, he barely got the chance to make any close relations on the mainland, therefore having no problems with where he lives now. Truly, it’s due to that tattoo on his left arm that they fled, but they feared that if he knew the secret, then he would carelessly put himself in even more danger; they kept the truth from him for now, then.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

Posts : 4839
Age : 28
Join date : 2009-03-29
Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

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PostSubject: Re: Jian Zhu   Jian Zhu I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2016 3:38 pm

A good application Smile welcome to the site!  Approved!
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