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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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PostSubject: Jian Lu   Jian Lu I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 11:19 pm

    Name: F: Jian M: Ajit L: Lu
    Age: 17
    Birthplace: Western Air Temple
    Current Residence: Southern Air Temple
    Rank: Bender
    Element: Air
    Name: Jeong
    Species: Sky Bison
    Appearance: He is a sky bison of somewhat smaller size and weight for its age but it remains the fastest of the sky bison despite its small stature.
    Personality: It is a very protective and caring sky bison over Jian. It loves to fly through the clouds lazily even taking naps during flight, very similar to a albatross.
    Weapons: He carries a bow made of a special tree only found in the air temples, it is incredibly durable and not easy burned. He doesnt have arrows for he uses a special airbending skill to create arrows that can be lethal or non lethal depending on the users' wish. He has practiced and used real arrows, but finds the option of not killing an enemy very nice because of his air nomad teachings.

    Birthday: November 18th
    Blood type:
    Hobbies: Practicing airbending, meditation, naps, gathering fruit, pai sho, and travelling.
    Quirks: Although he is a air nomad/monk, he is well versed in weapons and their use especially bow and arrow, and staff based weaponry. He loves long times of meditation while flying his sky bison. He refuses to eat any oily and greasy foods.
    Character Theme: Hallelujah By Vitamin String Quartet

    Hair: When he grows out his hair he has long very dark brown hair he combs back(to showcase his arrow tattoo) going down to his shoulders, or will put in into a small bun(like how fire nation men do). But more often he has his head shaven purely bald like all monks at their temple. Eyes: Deep blue
    Height: 5'11
    Clothes: He wears robes of airbender monks who have achieved greater airbending skill and learned many teachings of the monks. A orange robe with long sleeves and that reaches his feet covering a high collared yellow tunic and brown shorts that reach his mid calf. Over this he wears wooden beaded necklace. Occasionally he will turn his robe into a sash he wears around his shoulder and torso and switches to a no collar shirt
    Skin: He has smooth fair skin.
    Body Type: He is athletically built, but not too muscilar. He is strong enough to be advanced at using a number of weapons.
    Image: No Image Provided

    Personality: He is a caring individual who aspires to be a council member monk or other high ranking member of the air nomads. He is filled with understanding for many walks of life and wishes to understand all people. Although he only uses fighting in defense or neccessity; he understands that if he must he will have to take a life.
    Personal Strengths: Airbending Skills - Mastery, Weapon understanding/skill - Proficient, Enhanced Photographic memory, intelligent.
    Personal Weaknesses: Nomadic teaching of restraint(he wont fight unless he needs to and will do his best not to kill), refuses to eat anything too oily/eats mostly fruits(meaning he would rather not eat then eat oily things), has a fear of losing his senses.
    Personal Hero: Avatars Aang and Yangchen, the air nomad council.
    Dreams and Ambitions: To become a great council member monk, to become a great airbender, understanding of all people's lives despite tribe, to travel the world.

    Likes: Airbending, practicing with his bow, playing pai sho, meditating on sunny days, reading stories of history, collecting fruit to eat, studying other cultures while travelling.

    Dislikes: Oil, Seafood, Greedy people/abuse of power, genocide and destruction that upsets balance.

    Brief History:
    Birth/Early life - Born at the western air temple to his mother he was raised there until he was 4 and sent to the southern air temple to begin his training. When he arrived at the temple he spent time with the monks with his father and spent time sending messages to his mother at the other temple, an uncommon event for airbenders who often do not connect with parents. At age five he picked a young bison who was tiny to be his animal guide and friend. He named him Jeong after the famous fire nation deserter, a story which he had been found of for his courage of going against his entire way of life to do what was right, not what he was told. At the age of nine he had already shown some talent in airbending by memorizing the moves he saw already fully realised airbending masters preforming. He could preform airbending skills other his age could not yet, but was still a very untrained airbender.

    Teenage years 10-15 - At age 10 he began detaching from his father but remained in contact with his mother (who was a highly ranked air nomad in the western temple, as was his father for the south). He often spent his days meditating in the gardens until he was 13 until he resumed his airbending training. At 13 when he began training again he showed to be even better at the artform then when he stopped at age 11, he quickly picked up the concepts and using his photographic memory; watched and learned from airbending masters. When he began airbending, he spent less time meditating and doing other things such as socialising and games. He played airball in the field at the southern air temple as well as made friends by racing sky bison, a skill at which he was renowned for having the fastest sky bison in the southern temple. He and a small group of airbenders ranging ages 10-60 became close and often played airball or pai sho together.

    Teenage years 16-17 - When he reached 16 he wished to travel the world to see others lives and understand them. Knowing he would have to learn more of his own people before learning other peoples cultures. He asked his father to retrieve his special permission to spend one season at each air temple, returning on the next fall. He father agreed and sent word to each temple that he would be there for a quarter of the year. Jeong and Jian set off to the first temple; the western air temple, and arrived. There he trained with the head nun in airbending and use of weapons, she stressed the use of tools for airbending can be effective but dangerous. She gave him his bow as a gift before departing telling him to use the tool wisely. He made his way north of the earth kingdom arriving at the northern air temple meeting a friend of his fathers who introduced him to the head monk of the temple. The two meditated with Jian most of the time and taught him the history and reinforced the importance of the teachings of Air nomads, it was here he recieved his arrow tattoos across his body symbolizing his master rank. At the end of the spring he set off for the western air temple and was greeted by his mother who awaited his arrival. He met the head nun at this temple as well, while spending time in his mothers home in the temple. He learned the importance of balance, the value of all things in the world, and how to find foods in almost any place from plants and fruits. He left the air temple and recieved a scroll of airbending techniques from the sanctuary of the temple. Arriving at his home on his birthday he told his father all the things he learned and had recieved from the other temples. Impressed by the feats and things he had learned, the monks and his father bestowed his with new robes and a wooden beaded necklace symbolising he was a true master within their temple, and all other temples. To further understand the world and know all walks of life, he set out on another journey in spring with his scroll and bow. Promising to return again as soon as he could.

Last edited by Jian Lu on Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Jian Lu   Jian Lu I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 11:36 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Jian Lu   Jian Lu I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 21, 2014 11:10 am

Reapproved for use.
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