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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Jian Dinh

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PostSubject: Jian Dinh   Jian Dinh I_icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 7:26 pm

Name: Jian Dinh
Age: 23
Birthplace: Kyoshi Island
Current Residence: Ba Sing Se
Rank: Kyoshi Warrior (non-bender)
Element: Earth
Pets: Phi, the pygmy panther
Weapons: fan, bow and arrow

Birthday: 12 February 684
Blood type: O+

Hair: Mid-length, medium brown hair, usually pulled back in a tight pony tail.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'4"
Clothes: Usually wears a long green skirt, and a green vest with yellow trim over a red chestwrap, as well as forearm guards (for archery, as well as hand-to-hand combat)
Skin: mid-tone
Body Type: Jian is built a bit short and petite, but she packs a big punch because it's almost all muscle.
Jian Dinh Imagen1

Personality: Jian is a very diy girl: she doesn't take no for an answer, isn't afraid to get dirty, and always gets what she wants. While she is fiercely loyal to her homeland of Kyoshi Island, she is also very self-centered and often does not consider the feelings of others with regard to her actions. She is a bit rude and her sharp tongue often makes her come across as egotistical and stuck-up, but really she does appreciate her friends - a lot - she just has a hard time making them and doesn't voice that appreciation the way people might like. She's the type of tomboy that'll punch you in the shoulder to show her affection, but is otherwise very much against physical contact. She tries not to show deep emotion because she thinks that vulnerability is a weakness. She is constantly pushing the boundaries and living life on the edge rather than being settled or following the general rules of society.
Personal Strengths: Persistent, go-getter attitude; she has great stamina and is intensely loyal.
Personal Weaknesses: Can easily alienate her friends by her manner, shares very little with others, and often puts her own desires above the feelings of those around her, is very prideful and a bit full of herself.
Personal Hero: Avatar Kyoshi, who went so far as to make an island so she could get what she wanted.
Dreams and Ambitions: On the surface, Jian just wants to live on the edge - always having fun and excitement. But deeper down, she has secret dreams of settling down in Kyoshi and raising a family someday.

Likes: adventure, excitement, fights, bending the rules, terrorizing rock gardeners.

Dislikes: anything "prim and proper" or pretentious in society (which is ironic considering that she's terribly prideful herself)

Brief History: Jian Dinh was raised on Kyoshi Island by well-respected parents, but although she was very clever, she was a rebellious child from the start with a definite mean streak. She taught herself archery after reading about the Yu Yan Archers, made her own bow and arrows, and began pegging the smaller kids to trees, shooting fruit out of would-be consumers' hands, and other shenanigans. Seeking to find a positive outlet for their daughter's energies, Jian's parents enrolled her in training to become a Kyoshi Warrior in the island tradition. They hoped that the training would teach her discipline and greater respect for others. However, after she was officially trained in a few years it showed that she was not willing to settle for the lifestyle regimen of a Kyoshi Warrior either, nor had she gained respect for anyone who could not "pull their own weight" in her eyes. She did everything from pulling pranks on her teachers to humiliating the other girls on her squad, and was not very well-liked. Although she had a small band of "followers", Jian confided in no one, and seemed eager to belittle everyone around her. After some discussion, the master decided to assign Jian on a 'vacation' until further notice - she did not want to completely discharge her from their group because of Jian's skill, but rather hoped that time away from home and out in the world would help put things in perspective for the obstinate girl. Jian accepted the opportunity to get off the island, explore the world, and live by her own rules.
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Maki Shadowblade
Maki Shadowblade

Posts : 820
Age : 26
Join date : 2010-05-29
Location : Ruling the Oceans + Ruling Relam of Shadow + Realm of Air

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PostSubject: Re: Jian Dinh   Jian Dinh I_icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 7:28 pm

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