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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 me and my dragon

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PostSubject: me and my dragon   me and my dragon I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 04, 2012 1:25 am

it was a narmol day in the morning,when i decided to take celestria out, but i had to take her out whith out my family notice,i check out if any one was at home and there was no one so i took celestria fast and went to the forest, when we got to the forest i leet celestria on the floor and she started walking and playing whith me,after 1 hour of playing we sit on the ground and started waching the sky when 30 minutes,3 strangers walk up to us, i said hi my name is Ninx whats yours,they awnser in a bad way that not any of your consern wimp,then they said fine just to entroduce ur self my name is Chao and these 2 are Amber and Astro.i said,so what do you want,Chao said well not mush just all the money you have,that cool sword you have there and that baby dragon if you dont mind,i said no way am given you my sword or Celestria you have to kill me totake them away frome me if you can,but no way am goin down whithout a fight,Chao said well if is goin to be that way let it be,Amber said your a fool if you think you can take the 3 of us at the same time,Astro said you should just give us the dragon the sword and your money and leave whithout bien hurt,i said never your a fool if you think i well let that happen,and so they got mad and charge at me as she came chargin i kick her in the face and got knockout,then quick came Astro and hit me in the face and then Chao hit me in my stomash then the came and charge at me again but quicky i jump hi into the air and i throw the 3 dark wave at them they dogge it as i beggan to fall they throw at me fire balls,then i boosted my falling speed and made a huge shock wave at the ground and they trip then i made chains of shadows allround them and they coulnt move then i summon a shadow dragon and the dragon shadow dragon throw at them a huge massive darkness breath and they got knockout,after i finish with them we went home we where hungry and tire,wend we got home there was no one and i took my chanses on taking Celestria to my room then i went downstairs to make some food (meat) 10 minutes pass and the food was not ready at the same time my family got home i ask that where were they mom said,they where buying food at the market place,then i ask mom if she can make my dinner she said yes,then i went to my room to see if celestria was ok,she was ok but very hungry that she started to cry soo i went downstair and pick up the peace of meat that my mom finish i went to my room and feed Celestria,she eat all the meat and went to sleep and since i was tire too i went to sleep as well and call it a day.
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