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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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» ZapdosZulu
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2023 12:06 pm by FyrebirdEvo

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2021 12:55 pm by Loolaalee

» Masquerade! (Open)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 3:02 pm by Paracelsus

» Guo Shu-Fang
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2021 1:13 am by Tsumi Buredo

» Akechi Kamui
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2021 1:03 pm by Fire Lord Kouzai

» The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2021 4:08 pm by Makaru

» Kyoshi umgon (wip)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2021 2:32 am by Kyoshi umgon

» The Eagle and the Osprey | (Kouzai, Loolaalee) | [CLOSED]
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2021 6:44 pm by Loolaalee

» High shining. My sun-prince. For a myriad reigns. Should you have ruled the land. From your Island Palace.
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2021 1:52 am by Deej

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Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
Roland Hirahara, King of the Four Winds
Light King Sallan Wynphyra V
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Fire Lord Kouzai (4839)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Loolaalee (1351)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
LadyKura (1291)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Bailey The Flamewarden (961)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Leosan (878)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Maki Shadowblade (820)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Tsumi Buredo (726)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Earth King Lu (687)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
Annabelle Rinoa Reynolds (651)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 
River (647)
The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_lcapThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_voting_barThe D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_vote_rcap 


 The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 4:58 pm

"Welcome to the National D.D.R. Tournament where teams from all around the world come here to participate in this live-broadcasting game of D.D.R." The Announcer spoke through the intercom.

The tournament will be held in a large stadium, on a special stage. The stage contains four large and tall cylinder platforms that rise from the stage when the contestants are all on. On the platforms are guard rails so the contestant will not fall, and in the front of it contains a computer were you will category, song, keep score, and lock in your team mate. A large split-screen will descend from the ceiling that is connected to the D.D.R. System in which it shows you, and the other challenger. On your computer, while you play will be your partner so you can see them as well.

The Challengers/Contestants will be held backstage in a room where, from a live broadcasting TV, will see others' performances against other challengers, mingle, practice dance moves to earn the highest points, and where you can enjoy refreshments! There is also a few more rooms backstage, as well as the entrance to the main-stage where contestants cannot be allow on during a dance battle. There are also, backstage, dressing rooms where your team can get prepared and stay while you are particpating in this tournament.

(( In order to play this mini-game on this Avatar Site, you must pick one partner, as in a NPC such as maybe someone famous.. really anyone of your choice, even one of your characters to accompany you. You must also have random.org open to play, where you will generate a number between 1-10,000. That will be your score. Cheating is not allowed, making the game not fun and enjoyable if you always win. Please play fair and enjoy this Mini-RP-Game. In the beginning of your topic reply, posting a picture under a spoiler of your partner would be nice. Thank you for your time! Please contact Massie, Yukina, or Wally as well as Kyo for any more questions. ))

Brackets for Current Tournies:
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Advanced Beginner
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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 5:39 pm

Donghae watched the live feed and ate a fishstick. The announcer was announcing the rules in a booming voice. Meanwhile, Wally looked through a book of songs that the contestants could choose.
"Hey oppa, do you think it would be against the rules to pick a Super Junior Song?"
Donghae shook his head. "It shouldn't be. Besides, we'll have an advantage if it is."
Wally grinned and kissed Donghae on his cheek, then went back to flipping through the book.
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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 5:44 pm

Yukina's Partner: (Currently looking the way he is in her profile picture. He is the blonde on in spoiler.

"I am Yukina and my partner is Lee Hong-Ki." Yukina announced to the registeration-clerk. The clerk nodded and gave them a number, "You two will be number 36. You'll be up soon so get ready, and here are your passes."

She and Hongki nodded, taking their pass and going backstage. Hongki blinked and pointed to a board as they walked by with their bags, "We're first, 'Kina. Against... eh.. A man name Earthy and a myster person! How interesting.." Yukina nodded, "Let's just do our best and hope we win the prize!" Hongki nodded, "Right, hopefully we can pick a song I have experience with." Yuki smiled.

Yukina and Hongki entered the backstage live-feed room. Hongki gave a smile while having a lollipop in his mouth, "Hi Hi!" Yukina looked at the tv, "We're going up right after the announcements, Hongki. So we must get ready!" Hongki followed Yuki into their dressing room after waving to Wally and Donghae.
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Dungeonmaster General
Dungeonmaster General

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 5:50 pm


Massie, and Taylor Lautner walked into the waiting room hand, and hand. They smiled at each other, and Taylor kissed Massie's forehead. She, and him sat down. She was dressed in a tank top, and shorts. He had a short sleeved shirt, and shorts.

She wrote 8 on both their hands, opposite like Massie's 8 was on her right hand, and Taylor's was on his left. They waited.
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Earth King Lu
Earth King Lu

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 5:56 pm


((Yep I picked Loony Luna. She had mad dance skills and it just epic.))

Earthy apparated into the waiting roomed and looked at all the people there. 'Why did I do this?' he asked himself in his head and walked over to a seat and sat down waiting for his partner to come. Then a girl wearing odd looking clothes and glasses walked in asking people if they would like a copy of the Quibbler. Earthy got up and said, "These people are muggles they can't know about the Quibbler." Luna said, "Oh sorry everyone." She then put them in her bag and walked over to an empty seat and sat down. Earthy followed her.
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Advanced Beginner
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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 6:01 pm

Wally sat down next to Donghae. He was eating yet another fishstick. "Oppa, I know this is mean, but I can smell your breath from a mile away."
Donghae frowned and popped a breathstrip in to his mouth. "Looks like the first tourney is starting. We'd better prepare, 'cuz we're next," he said.
Wally nodded. "Well, Mr. Dance Gu-Hey look! It's Yuki!" She said, pointing to the tv.
Donghae ruffled Wally's hair. "You're so easily distracted." The tournament bracket flashed across the TV for about a minute. It highlighted the first match, and did a profile of each Contestant.
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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 6:10 pm

Yukina and Hongki were already heading towards platforms. They were wearing white t-shirts, black pants, white shoes, and matching black and white-checkered large rubber-wristbands.

Hongki highfived Yuki and kissed her on the cheek for good-luck, then went to his platform. The both stood on the platforms, entering their data into the computer. They both picked the, 'Pop,' catergory. They saw the each other on a little mini-screen and agreed to do a BigBang song. Hongki suggested they do Haru Haru - BigBang.

They locked their data in and waited for the opposing team, smiling at the crowd. Hongki looked at the webcam that was synced to Yukina's computer and mouthed the words, "Good Luck, Yuki!" And Yuki did the same.

Once the other team came onto the platform and locked in their data, the large spilt-screen would come down and the platforms will rise.
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Dungeonmaster General
Dungeonmaster General

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 9:28 pm

Massie watched the screen, of course she'd seen it before but she was always amazed. "Isn't that amazing, Taylor..I just like watching the screen..". Massie said, smiling. Taylor looked at her. "Yea its cool". Taylor said, and kissed Massie's hair.
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Earth King Lu
Earth King Lu

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 9:46 pm

Earthy and Luna was walking up to the platforms. They were wearing their Ravenclaw robes, but Luna had those insane glasses on from the Quibbler. They picked a song from the Wizarding band The Weird Sisters. Luna and Earthy looked at the other two. Luna said, "Good luck," and smiled lightly.
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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 21, 2010 9:51 pm

Wally looked at the TV excitedly. "Yes! It's finally the competition!"
Donghae asked, "Who the heck are the weird Sisters?"
Wally shruged and ate a cookie. "I'm so nervous..." she said. "I mean, What if we win? Or lose? Or something?"
Donghae grinned. "No worries. This'll work out perfectly."
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PostSubject: Re: The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))   The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.)) I_icon_minitime

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The D.D.R. Tournament. ((Open to those who ask Mas, Wally, or Yuki.))
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