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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Blaze Seitz

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PostSubject: Blaze Seitz   Blaze Seitz I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 4:33 am

He's not gonna be RPed as much as Revvy and I'm not gonna be detailed with the app because of that. XD I'm making him to spice up Revvy's RP life lol
    "Yea my name is Blaze, bet you can guess what type of bender I am huh."
    Name: Blaze Levi Seitz
    Age: 21
    Birthplace: Southern Water Tribe
    Current Residence: Well considering he's on a hunt he doesn't stay in one place. He's off tracking down his sister. So he goes where the leads take him.
    Rank: Bender, Noble to the Southern water tribe.
    Occupation: Noble, Huntsman/Bounty Hunter
    Element: Advanced Fire bending/lightning.
    Pets: He has a Shirshu named Dendou which is helping him in his tracking
    Weapons: Bow and arrows which can be lit on fire, A Nodachi which was once his fathers.

    Birthday: November 11th
    Blood type: AB, a blood type that is a universal taker but is terrible for doning.
    Hobbies: Practicing Firebending, playing with technology, tracking.
    Quirks: Blaze dislikes his sister, she caused problems for the family and its name and plus she's the reason he's been on this man hunt
    Family: As you can see in the family tree below, there seems to be an odd tradition that's unintentional. Members of the Seitz family appear to all be fire benders and each Seitz member who has married appeared to have married a Water bender. However despite this the children born turn out to be fire benders. Revvy is the first child to be born into the Seitz Family that isn't a Fire Bender, In the family, it is very unique. Some members think Revvy will turn out to be something very great, other members believe it is some sort of taboo. Blaze thinks she is a taboo to the family.
    Raye Seitz [Father] - Fire Bender
    Mina Kowch/Seitz [Mother/Deceased] - Water Bender
    Rebecca Seitz [Sister] - Water Bender
    Newel Seitz [Aunt] - Fire Bender
    Joseph Seitz [Uncle] - Fire Bender
    Clarence Seitz [Grandfather] - Fire Bender
    Katherine Naclia/Seitz [Grandmother] - Water Bender
    George Seitz [Great Grandfather/Deceased] -Fire Bender
    Ande Fer/Seitz [Great Grandmother/Deceased] - Water Bender

    Hair: His hair is a dark brown shade. He doesn't like to keep it all neat unless he's at a special events that he usually attends for the familys appearance to be kept up and their reputation in order. There is a slight wave/curl to his hair and it is shoulder length, layers are cut into his hair to make it appear shorter then what it really is.
    Eyes: He is said to have his mothers eyes. Dark chocolate brown in color and more almond shape compared to the rounder eyes his sister has.
    Height: Most members of his family are on the shorter side, him included. Blaze stands at a full height of 5'9'', not to tall nor short compared to everyone else.
    Clothes: Blaze likes to wear clothing that isn't cheap. Being a noble he likes to dress in a more fancy manner. He is usually seen in a black pair of pants and a black jecket over a white undershirt. Simple but classy. Over top of that Blaze always wears a red cape. It's his signature peice of clothing.
    Skin: From being outside all the time Blaze's ivory skin now appears to be more tanned in color.
    Body Type: Blaze has muscles to his body and a bit of weight to him, he's not porky or anything but stands at a healthy weight. Compared to some other people he is a bit stocky.
    Personality: Blaze doesn't like taking crap from anyone. He dislikes those who are disrespectful and rude. Though sometimes he can come across as just that. He is a noble and likes having the good reputation. He absolutely hates it when the family gets a bad rep. Hence why how he's pissed off at his sister. He is not uptight, though some people get that impression from him at first. When you get on Blaze's good side you will find out that he's fun to be around, easy to get a laugh from and is very generous to those he cares about. After all he does like to keep his name in good word so he isn't a bad guy. Though, like other members in his family he has a temper, though it takes some time to loose it, once the flame ignites it only gets bigger and bigger until he bursts and snapps, and it is not a pretty sight to behold

    Personal Strengths: Strong, strong willed, determined, skilled, generous to friends/family
    Personal Weaknesses: Cocky, demanding, arrogant, impatient, risky
    Hamartia: Blaze always likes having a good reputation and keeping the family in good words.
    Personal Hero: His grandfather
    Dreams and Ambitions: right now he is eager to take down his sister and bring her home for the humiliation and punishment he feels she deserves.

    Likes: Being in good word, Bending, Tracking, Accomplishment

    Dislikes: His sister, Rude people, Having the family's name slandered, fatty foods

    Brief History: A family line, fire benders that fate seemed to bring to marry water benders, their children would all be born to be fire benders. and those children go on to repeat the cycle; Water and Fire, Water marrying into the family, but all born to fire... Generations and Generations of this fate, now this...

    Blaze was one of the children to be born into the Seitz family, born a fire bender; one that would be greatly skilled. He lived in the Southern water tribe where his family kept nobility. He had a younger sister being born after him, making him the eldest. Blaze grew up always trying to stay in a good reputation. Events happened that caused him to face consequences of slandered names, which then caused him to always be deterined to be in good word and have good credit. His family was holding nobility, people who were generous and kind, even living not as fancy as other nobles; they were lvoed by the people.

    His sister, Revvy; was different. She broke the tradition and was born with the ability to water bend. He thought she was a taboo to the family, later on his assumptions would rpove to be right in his eyes. Blaze grew up learning how to hunt and track. He was determined to be a good huntsemen and bounty hunter like his dad Raye while Rebecca was busy dealing with animals on their family's acreage. His grandfather was a role modle to him and taught him how to fire bend. Blaze had a short temper and was able to channle it through his bending.

    His father took off on a manhunt to ember island. However long after he didnt return, and soon his mother grew to be sick. At this time Blaze went after his father on his Shirshu named Dendou. He had no idea that his sister went off to ruin his familys name. Turing in her nobility and degrading herself to work like a slave for some man who higher up on nobility, she was being a laughing stock to them...

    Blaze spend years searching the cold trail his father left behind, it was as if Raye up and left from existance. 2 years later he gave up on his search but remained on ember island where he practiced his bending, perfecting it to a T while taking on some bounties. He soon returned home, now hearing all the stuff that took place in his absence. His mother was sick and died, and Revvy had tracked into dangerous waters. They were rumours but Blaze knew his sister, and had a feeling it was true.

    Revvy was wanted and talked about in the southern water tribe. Blaze knew from the moment she discovered her water bending that she would be trouble to the family.

    There was a old legend told around the village they lived in. That a dragon of blood watched over the people and was waiting to bring its evil upon the world. He was called SAngre, which in itself meant blood and legend had it he had taken on many water benders which he trained and guided down a dark twisted path of hatred, death, murder, and insanity all for the dragons pleasure; and that was just the begining of it. The dragon of blood was an old tale told around the southern water tribe in itself. Though, it seemed to all be just tales. Truth was this dragon existed, and presented itself to Revvy on the night of her mothers death. It was rumoured that Revvy was now under the dragons guideance where she would be trained in the dark arts of blood bending. Some people were even preparing for when Revvy returned to bring chaos upon the village. and they blamed the Seitz family for it all.

    This pissed off blaze. He made it his person goal to find her and bring her back to the village; to find out if she was allied with the dark dragon of blood and if so, kill her with his own hands. He was put in charge of finding her, making a promise to the people. Those who were involved with the dragon of blood were to be eliminated before it was to late. Blaze knew the legends all to well and perhaps they weren't just tales to scare kids. Though if it came down to it, he would bring his sister down. As more days pass the more he grows a hatred for her in the beleif that the dragon of blood guides her.
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PostSubject: Re: Blaze Seitz   Blaze Seitz I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 5:01 am

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