BASICSName: Massie Sertori
Age: 17
Rank: Water Bender
Pets: no
Weapons: no
APPEARANCEHair: Massie has kind of dark brown hair, it goes down her back. She has bangs and they are combed out, they are above her forehead. Massie always keeps her hair tied in a ponytail unless its a special occasion.
Eyes: brown, and they are medium size.
Height: 5'10
Clothes: Massie wears a purple tank top with white, and pink kind of pattern. She wears a light purple tank top thats a little longer underneath. For pants Massie wears skirts most of the time, sometimes she wears shorts.
Personality: Often awkward, insecure, and a little shy. Very girly, empathetic, caring, loving, Lactose Intolerant.
Personal Strengths: Swimming, Waterbending, Water Tribe
Personal Weaknesses: not swimming, firebending, Fire Nation
Personal Hero: (A character or maybe an NPC.)
Likes: Swimming, Waterbending, friends, family, health
Dislikes: Not swimming, firebending, no friends, no family, no health
Brief History: Massie was born in the Southern Water Tribe, to Cleo, and Lewis Sertori. Massie learned waterbending at the age of 10. She met a lot of friends at Waterbending School. A few days after Massie's 12th birthday, her parents died while on vacation without Massie. Massie didn't know until a letter came saying her parents died.