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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Draknyva Darkens

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PostSubject: Draknyva Darkens   Draknyva Darkens I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2011 9:29 pm


Name: Draknyva Darkens

Age: 21

Rank: Bender

Pets: Eelhound: Name Cenos Description: Cenos the Eelhound is one of the creatures Draknyva met on his travels while he was young. He saved it when it was just a baby from a rampaging Sabermoose that had destroyed the rest of its family's nest, caught while they were asleep.. Draknyva was only 16 at the time and over the years, Cenos and Draknyva are now inseperable. Cenos is about 18 feet long and is about 17 hands high.

Weapons: None at present


Hair: Draknyva is an oddball, having hair that is white as the snow in the north, that grows at an exeptional rate, yet never seems to get longer then the bottom of his knees. He usually keeps it in a braid, with black cord.It seems to taper at the end, coming to an almost perfect point at the end of it all.

Eyes: Draknyva has medium sized eyes that are just as strange as his hair, about the size of a small pebble, with white irises, pupils, and even corneas.

Height: 6' 6"

Clothes: Draknyva wears a white undershirt, white longsleeved tee, with a white martial arts jacket, usually unbuttoned, with black buttons, white pants that are boot cut, white socks that come up to the middle of his shins, and white military style boots.


Personality: Draknyva isn't a very emotional person, meaning that he only shows his emotions to Cenos, his Eelhound, oor to people that earn his trust and friendship. He has his own code to follow, in which he does what he wants, as long as he doesn't directly cause trouble to those around him, unless absolutely necessary. And there are often times that he always finds this necassary, since he has the face that he shows to all those around him that are 'normal' in his opinion, and then he has the 'other' face, the sadomasochistic side in which he pleasures in harming and even torturing others, even innocents like children. Only Cenos can get him out of this'rages' as Draknyva has come to call them, he fights them as best he can, but it may be inevitable that he just won't be able to fight them anymore.

Personal Strengths: Kind hearted to most, loyal to those he deems worthy of him, pushes through anything no matter how much it hurts him

Personal Weaknesses: 'Negative Opposite Side', can't help but help people, no matter the consequences to himself, thrives on pain,

Personal Hero: Draknyva's father, who died in a raid from the Light Benders.

Dreams and Ambitions: To take revenge on the exact people that took his family from him, and to master his techniques, and any techniques he can find, no matter the hardship, no matter the element

Likes: Cenos, power, pain, darkness, himself

Dislikes: Anyone who harms Cenos, weakness, light, Light Benders, people who have stable families

Brief History:
When Draknyva was about 13, the time when his tribe found out if they were benders or not, the time when one discovered their purpose in the tribe, be it protector, raider, farmer or the like, Draknyva was out of his home, as usual, even though it was his birthday, the day when he would find out his place, and if he was to be a bender like his father.

When Draknyva heard the screams, and the blasts of Light coming from nowhere, in the middle of the night on his way to his ceremony, he feared the worst. He knew what it was: A Lightbender Raiding Party. Draknyva knew that he was nothing special, he hadn't shown any aptitude for bending his entire life, so he knew that he would end up being a worker in the fields or the forests, or even worse, on the farm that fed the village.

But when Draknyva heard the screams of his village, the anguished cries of his family, of his tribe, something snapped in him. He started running towards the screams, running faster than he ever had before, faster than he ever thought possible. When he got there, to his home, he found it in ruins. What he also saw was his family, burned and charred by the light he had seen earlier. He knew who was to blame. Because they were still there in the village.

They looked like children his own age, sent out on a raid to test their abilities, most of them seemed to be just starting out with their bending, not being able to hit their mark, which explained the burn marks on the ground all around his village. But there were a few, older, more experienced Benders in their ranks, and they were yelling at the younger ones, "Alright! Good practice run, we'll need to work on your aim, all of you! These are not clean kills, to messy, to unorganized!" "Yes Sir!!" said the younger ones as they started leaving the village, not having spotted Draknyva in the shadows.

What Draknyva had found most disturbing of all, was that clutched in his fathers hands, so tight that even in death he would not let go, he held the one present that was given to few of his tribe, the one thing that Draknyva always knew he would never get, the one thing that was presented to those of his village that were Benders of the Dark, the one thing that marked them as special. It wasn't large, just something to be worn about the neck, and it was just like his father's: A single piece of the purest, blackest obsidian, encassed in a leather neck strap.

Seeing that, Draknyva was elated, yet was also enraged. Enraged at the desecration of his people, his family, his home, and that he wasn't there to die along with them. He was elated, knowing that he was just like his father, and was able to carry on his family's legacy. He broke that day, one part still the man he now was, the other part, a part that wanted to inflict this kind of pain on any that crossed him or brought those he cared about to harm in any way.

Three years later, when he was just turning 16, Draknyva was training in a dark part of the forest. He heard loud growls and snarls that were headed towards him. Using what he had learned, he hid from the creature that was coming his way: A Sabermoose was running away from something in a hurry, and its lerge canines were covered in blood not its own.

Going towards where the sabermoose was fleeing, Draknyva came across a site that brought back horible memories of his people and his village. Something compelled him to examine the scene more closely, and in doing so, Draknyva found why the Sabermooses' teeth were bloody: the carcasses of 3 grown eelhounds, and of 5 smaller ones.

Bowing his head in reverance, Draknyva started to clean up the bodies, gettting them ready for burial so that other creatures and animals didn't eat them, Draknyva heard whimpering and growling nearby. Examining where the sound emanated from, Draknyva founs that one of the younger ones had survived by burying itself in the shrubbery and fallen leaves.

After burrying its family, Draknyva kept and nurtured the eelhound unti it trusted him, and then until it was ridable. With that, Draknyva and Cenos set off, exploring the lands around and training all the while.
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The Phantom Thief
The Phantom Thief

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PostSubject: Re: Draknyva Darkens   Draknyva Darkens I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 1:06 am

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