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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2023 12:06 pm by FyrebirdEvo

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2021 12:55 pm by Loolaalee

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2021 3:02 pm by Paracelsus

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2021 1:13 am by Tsumi Buredo

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2021 1:03 pm by Fire Lord Kouzai

» The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2021 4:08 pm by Makaru

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2021 2:32 am by Kyoshi umgon

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2021 6:44 pm by Loolaalee

» High shining. My sun-prince. For a myriad reigns. Should you have ruled the land. From your Island Palace.
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 27, 2021 1:52 am by Deej

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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Tsumi Buredo
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420 Years
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Kaniehtí:io "Ziio" Aarushi

Earth King Lu Meleng
Emperor Nobunaga Ezofuji
Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
Roland Hirahara, King of the Four Winds
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Fire Lord Kouzai (4839)
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Loolaalee (1351)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
LadyKura (1291)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Bailey The Flamewarden (961)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Leosan (878)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Maki Shadowblade (820)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Tsumi Buredo (726)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Earth King Lu (687)
The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_lcapThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_voting_barThe Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_vote_rcap 
Annabelle Rinoa Reynolds (651)
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River (647)
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 The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)

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PostSubject: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2020 4:33 pm

Taron hadn't expected to set foot in the city of Ibashiyama this month.  A criminal information dealer that he needed to track down was hiding here.  It had taken a fair sum of money and a bit of convincing to get the whereabouts of this man.  In all the places he could have been, he was hiding out in Ibashiyama.

On the back of his Shirshu he could see the festival lights emanating through the darkness towards him.  It was time to track this man down for good.  He readied his weapon and then took out a small case that had a pouch in it.  The smell of the pouch was what he needed.  He hopped of his Shirshu and opened the case the it's nose.  It snorted and snuffed at it and then grunted.  Taron hopped back on and flicked the reigns.  The Shirshu bolted towards the city.

The scent took Nyago(his Shirshu) to the edge of the city.  Taron pulled in the reigns to stop his mount.  

"Who goes there!?" A guard cried out from the small gate.

Taron stared down at the guard and then brushed off his battle outfit a bit before responding. "My name is Taron, I'm a bounty hunter and there is a criminal in the city."  

"Very well, do your best to leave the festival undisturbed."

Taron nodded. "You have my word."

The Guard nodded and opened the gate.  Nyago began trotting down the street towards the festival. Taron steered him away from it and circled around before finding on the opposite side of the festival grounds there was a small alleyway.

Taron stopped Nyago right outside the alleyway and hopped off and drew a short sword he had with him.  His Greatsword would likely be too large for this space.  After a few paces Taron's cold blue eyes adjusted to the darkness and he quickly realized he wasn't alone.  

Three men sat in a small circle at a table, they appeared to be gambling.  The men where all roughly medium build and well toned.  They looked at Taron with scrutiny.  Taron theorized they were trying to figure out who he was, not that he would tell them.  

"You come here often?"  Taron said casually putting away the short sword as stealthily as he could.  

The one with long black hair spoke up.  "In my experience, nobody just wanders into a random alley."

Taron tilted his head.  "You are of course right.  I'm looking to talk with a Kobimaru, seen him anywhere?"

The man with the long hair glared at Taron. "That depends on if you're looking to talk, or do something a little more serious."  

Taron did have his arms crossed and realized that he was giving off a bit of hostility.  He uncrossed his arms and did a slight hunch so he was more on eye level with the three.  "I really just want to talk."

"Well then pull up a seat, I'd say you found him."  Kobimaru grinned and even in the darkness Taron could tell that his teeth were quite yellow and perhaps rotten.

Taron pulled up a seat and set it with the back facing the man and sat on it saddle-style.  "I hear a lot of interesting things about you Kobimaru."

Kobimaru began shuffling the tiles they were playing at the table with.  "Indeed, I hear you hear a lot of interesting things about many subjects.... Taron.  

A chill ran down Taron's spine, this Kobimaru had expected him and knew more than Taron thought. He casually stood up and streched one of his arms.  "You know me?"

"Of Course I do, your name has been making circles in the underground.  Your the person to go to for far away information about black markets, underground assassins, and fencing.  It's said you know a little bit of everything."  Kobimaru casually put the tiles away into container and hid them in his robes.

Taron relaxed, the man likely hadn't heard much more than that and probably wanted some info himself.  Maybe he was in a position to trade after all.

"... unfortunately, that means your competition."

Two men cam out of the shadows from behind Taron, effectively closing him in.  They both had bladed pole-arms.  The three in front of him drew out chains and one of them kicked the table out of the way.

Taron only had a moment to react, but he knew what was happening.  He drew the short sword directly into a strike against the pole arms, targeting the wooden handle parts and successfully removed the bladed heads from them.  He rolled away from the chains being thrown at him between the two now weaponless men.

They were quick though, the second he was standing back up from his roll each one had a hold of an arm.  Kobimaru took a form.  Taron's eyes widened as he recognized the stance, the man was a fire bender.  

The fireball roared to life and Taron stamped both the ankles of his grapple holders and shoved them in front of him, using their bodies to block the fireball.  The two with the chains had already moved to flank him on either side without missing a beat.   One attack came high and one came low.  Taron wrapped his arm around the high chain, but the low one wrapped around both his legs.

The man yanked his legs out from under him as Taron yanked on the chain he had grabbed and slammed the two men together.  They were both knocked down.  Taron stood up took a deep breath straightening his chi.  Kobimaru began throwing fireballs and Taron immediately hit the wall of the Alley to dodge the first one and then jumped off the wall to the other wall at an angle towards Kobimaru.  He jumped from wall to wall entirely avoiding every fireblast that came his way.

He came down on Kobimaru as a fireball came up towards him.  A quick twist in the air meant that he only got skimmed by the heat as it blazed by.  Taron put a knee in the mans stomach and pinned his hands against the back wall.

Taron smirked.  "You should have studied your martial arts better."

Kobimaru seemed afraid for a second and then regained his confidence putting Taron on edge.  "... and you should have payed more attention to who you knocked out."

Taron let go of one hand and turned, but he was too late as the knife jabbed into his side.  One of the chain wielders had recovered quickly enough to get the jump on him.  He was pretty quiet! Taron thought as he felt streaks of pain go up and down his side. Taron grabbed the knife to make sure it stayed stuck in him.  The man struggled with him for a few moments before kicking him in the side of the leg, hard.  Taron felt his bones in the shin snap.  His vision turned red with pain as he fell over.

Taron was vaguely aware that there were three other bodies in the alley with him.  He knew he was bleeding, but thankfully the man had relinquished the knife so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He looked up defiantly at Kobimaru who seemed distracted by something. "Quickly! Let's go, the guards are definitely coming."  They rushed out of the alleyway without any further notice.

Taron was alone in an alleyway with three unconscious bodies, this might not look the best when the Guards came.  He knew he wasn't going anywhere, so he sat still and meditated on his back simply waiting.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2020 1:37 pm

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Kenrei10
Sadaijin Minister of the Left
High Priestess of the Ezofuji Dynasty
High Priestess of the Empire of the Sun
High Priestess of Nippon
Keeper of Sozin's Island

"It may seem difficult, at first.
But anything is difficult, at first."


Ibashiyama's shrine was modest. It was not a Grand Shrine, but it was a central shrine, an old shrine. It was important to the locals, and it had survived wars, hardship, and the passage of time.

Such a thing was formidable for the shrines and temples of the land. So many had fallen into disrepair, abandoned and forgotten by their patrons in the ever changing political climate. Burned or taken over during times of war, repurposed for a military encampment.

The shrine itself had provided aid to the wounded loyalist soldiers during the Battle of Ibashiyama in the Nakyo War centuries ago. For their hard work and loyalty, the monks had been awarded with modest and consistent patronage from the royal family.

And so, as High Priestess, Minister of the Left, and member of the royal family, Kenreimon was obliged on all fronts to attend and oversee the coming Ibashiyama festival.

The shrine venerated the local ancestors, the monks who had founded the shrine, and local spirits who assisted and aided the people in their day to day lives. This annual festival was a grand gesture of worship and appreciation that sought their forgiveness for transgressions and sins and their continued patronage and assistance in the future.

Offerings were made, votives were burned to send messages to the gods. There booths and lights, and stalls with fried food and collectibles, and souvenirs. Festival games and goldfish in handblown glass bowls.

It was smaller than the festivals Kenreimon was used to, but no less familiar, and no less beautiful.

She smiled as she walked through the paved streets of the modest city of Ibashiyama, with rows and rows of stalls filled with throngs of people rushing in the dusk-light to enjoy the festival. It was only a few hours until the evening parade would begin, and would end in a massive array of fireworks. Those were always Kenreimon's favourite part.

She would be needed later, to lead the parade, as the High Priestess, she would be dressed in full regalia, chanting to the gods and spirits as the monks and priests and priestesses danced down the streets, waving their holy relics and carrying their sacred objects. But for now she had time to enjoy herself.

The rustle of the wind in the trees, the sound of children squealing in excitement, the general chatter of the grounds and the sounds of games and foods frying were as intoxicating as the scent of all the incenses, herbs and food drifting around in the air around her.

It was a veritable cacophony for the senses and it was glorious.

Even with her eyes closed, Kenreimon could feel the town full of life, full of passion, full of people--wounded.

Someone was wounded, hurt, bleeding.

She could feel the chi shifting in several guards as they went from lax and on guard to concerned, flustered, and anxious. She could feel them running towards an alley on the edge of town...no far from here, but far enough where a commotion would go unnoticed.

There were others with this wounded man. They were unconscious.

Their chi was dim, asleep, but not dying. Not dead.

She looked, eyes closed, senses open, bending active as the mark on her forehead glowed gently, as she tried to locate the exact location.

It didn't take her long, and she was off like a light, running towards the spot where the guards were also going.

She arrived in the alley, guards were swarming. They tried to hold her back, but Kenreimon drew herself up to her full--if short--height, held her head high, and proclaimed her rank and title. The soldiers, who at first had mistaken her for any other priestess, bowed to their princess, and let her pass.

This man, whatever he was, whomever he served, was wounded. Saving his life came first, justice, for whomever, or whatever he had done--if anything at all--could wait.

She knelt by the wounded man whose name Kenreimon did not know. He was wounded, bleeding, and had a broken leg, but seemed conscious, calm even. That was good, it would make her job even easier.

"Sir, I'm here to help," explained Kenreimon, "I noticed you were hurt, and I've come to help heal your wounds. I'm Kenreimon-in." She used her courtesy honourific for the man she did not know, as was customary. "Just sit back, and remain calm as you are currently, and this won't take long."

Kenreimon placed her hands one over the other, palms flat, as she had taught and been taught a thousand times, and hovered them over the broken shin. Her palms glowed green, and she channeled her energy towards the man.

She willed her energy like a magnet, attracting the man's chi. The secret to healing as a Spirit Bender was to take the chi of the wounded, and revitalize it, move it, and use it to heal the body as it would normally, merely using her own chi as a catalyst to speed up the process. This technique could not heal fatal wounds, though. For more serious wounds, she could interject her own chi to help, but inevitable death could not be stopped. Such was fate.

Luckily, this mans wounds, while problematic if left unchecked, were fresh, and easy to heal. It took Kenreimon no more than a few minutes to put him back into a perfectly fit state.

"There," she stated proudly, "That should do it. How do you feel?
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PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 24, 2020 7:25 pm

Taron had only waited for a few moments after Kobimaru turned the corner around the alley before a pair of guards walked in weapons ready.  Taron felt himself scowl briefly How did Kobimaru escape? Surely they saw him run out?  The Guards that came into the Alley did not go far, then suddenly there were more guards, four, six, and more.  They pushed together into the Alley, Taron remained calm, his shortsword was out of reach and he greatsword was sheathed.  After a few tense moments one of them yelled "Clear."

Two Guards approached Taron directly, "Are you ok sir?"  Taron gave him a deadpan look and replied calmly. "My leg is broken and I have a knife that I think narrowly missed my major organs.  I'm completely fine."  

Taron was both serious and mocking, if he got to a healer in a fair amount of time he would probably live.  He could see past the two guards in front of him that there was a line of guards and he heard a voice that was decidedly female.  She was declaring her rank a title.  He just barely heard the words princess and high priestess.

The Guards parted to let her in.  Taron began taking in details while remaining calm.  Everything from the color of her hair, the mark on her forehead, to what she was wearing.  She was indeed royalty, perhaps this was his chance to gain trust from the Fire Nation royals?  

"Sir, I'm here to help," explained the girl, "I noticed you were hurt, and I've come to help heal your wounds. I'm Kenreimon-in." Taron noted the courtesy honorific and decided to use that for now.  "It's a pleasure, my name is Taron." His name didn't carry any alternative titles as in the Fire Nation and some other places, but that was ok.  "Just sit back, and remain calm as you are currently, and this won't take long."

Taron gave a slight nod and watched her work.  After she pulled out the knife, the bleeding was quickly stopped.  Taron noticed a tugging at his chi.  How strange? Taron thought while watching with interest.  His own chi was manipulated and used to first heal the knife wound and then the broken bones in his leg.  Spirit Bender Taron stated to himself as he waited for a few more moments.

"There," she stated proudly, "That should do it. How do you feel?"

Taron smiled and stood up to his full height.  "Good as new. Perhaps even better."Taron regarded her for a short moment watching her eyes, trying to get a read on her.  She seemed full of life.  She was young, perhaps she had not seen some of the horrors that he had.  Curiosity boiled inside him and he secretly hoped he could study her for just a little bit.  Royalty was always interesting.

He mustered his decor. "So, now what Kenreimon-in?  If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. But first, perhaps you should attend to those two burned individuals over there?" Taron said motioning towards them.  They weren't in terrible shape, not as bad as he was a moment ago, but they probably still were in pain and needed help.  He extended his senses to see if he could deduce more about her spirit bending.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2020 8:04 pm

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Kenrei10
Sadaijin Minister of the Left
High Priestess of the Ezofuji Dynasty
High Priestess of the Empire of the Sun
High Priestess of Nippon
Keeper of Sozin's Island

"It may seem difficult, at first.
But anything is difficult, at first."


Kenreimon smiled. Even after having been fought these men, he still had honour enough to ask for their well being. Kenreimon tried to ignore the possible ulterior motives that this man had--if there were any--and focused merely on the immediate response he had. Those were usually the most true.

"I will tend to them now that I know you're all right," she replied, turning, and kneeling before the burned men. She recognized them as some local thugs--not terribly evil people, but the law was the law after all, and all the kindness and mercy in Kenreimon's heart and soul could not save everyone from the laws they had broken, and the choices they made.

"Perhaps while I do, you can tell me exactly what happened here, and who that man who was running off earlier was." Kenreimon gave a slight smile, just the upturning of the corner of her mouth, as she quietly whispered these words to Taron. The guards didn't need to know. They'd just bowl their way through the festival, cause a panic, or worse. The people needed this festival, they deserved it. They toiled in their labours, their farming and their mercantile pursuits. Honest people making an honest living. This was their luxury time, their happiness, it should not be interrupted because of a single criminal and some bumbling guards who followed their orders to an annoying tee.

Gently, Kenreimon placed her hands over the burns and wounds of the other men in the alley, easing their pain and healing their wounds.

She continued to whisper to Taron as she motioned him closer. "I noticed him, just on the corner of my senses, moving fast. I can't quite track him now...he's blended in with the crowd, his panic has left him. He seems to feel invisible...perhaps, once these two have been healed and sent with the soldiers, we can remedy his overconfidence together. For the sake of the festival, and the people."

If he was surprised by her words he did not show it.

It had taken Kenreimon longer than she would have liked to heal these men, but her attention was split, and there was no helping it. As she healed, Taron spoke, explained, and Kenreimon simply nodded and listened.

It was part of her job description after all. She listened to a thousand tales from a thousand weary souls. Fiends, criminals and murderers seeking for penance and forgiveness before their execution. The wealthy and exalted seeking indulgences for their sins and transgressions. The poor merely seeking respite and someone to talk to.

A thousand travelers had walked through her shrine, come to her small side room to give thanks, offerings, for a cup of tea, or even speak with their deceased loved ones.

It was as if she had lived a thousand lifetimes through them, but she had never forgotten a single one. Even the most grisly of stories sat with him, and she took them in stride. They were merely part of the tapestry of life that was humanity.
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PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 01, 2020 10:30 pm

She smiled when he stated that she should heal the other two.  That seemed like it might have been a good impression.  Taron considered her, some spirit benders could bend minds and do far more mysterious things.  He didn't know how skilled she would be, but something in her smile and the way she calmly tended to the wounded, allowed Taron to loosen his guard just a little.  

"Perhaps while I do, you can tell me exactly what happened here, and who that man who was running off earlier was." she said.  

Taron nodded and began speaking quietly doing his best to keep out of earshot of the guards while she healed the others.  "I'm a bounty hunter of sorts, I was seeking Kobimaru looking to exchange information about my mark with him.  He seemed to know I was coming and layed an ambush for me, his mistake.  I nearly had him then one of his thugs... got a lucky hit in."  Taron realized he actually did feel a touch of embarrassment.  Though four guys and a fire bender would be a difficult fight for anyone, Taron felt he could of done better.  

Oh well.  Kenreimon motioned to come closer and she whispered to him quietly.   "I noticed him, just on the corner of my senses, moving fast. I can't quite track him now...he's blended in with the crowd, his panic has left him. He seems to feel invisible...perhaps, once these two have been healed and sent with the soldiers, we can remedy his overconfidence together. For the sake of the festival, and the people."

Taron nodded along, Kobimaru was a threat to the festival so naturally he had thought to go hide in the middle of it, perhaps to deter persuit.  Taron whispered back to Kenreimon, "This man is smarter than I originally gave him credit.  My shirshu would be way too loud and disruptive, if you can indeed sense him, then all we need to do is convince the guards to let us go after him... that or convince them to go back to what they were doing."

Taron listened attentively as she replied.  He sensed a certain maturity in her that betrayed her age.  A realization passed quietly through his mind, she had also seen, or perhaps heard, some darker things and was unphased by them.  Just like him.  He felt his curiosity and interest pique beyond just the fact that she was royalty.  There was something more interesting about this one.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Loremaster General
Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2020 10:32 am

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Kenrei10
Sadaijin Minister of the Left
High Priestess of the Ezofuji Dynasty
High Priestess of the Empire of the Sun
High Priestess of Nippon
Keeper of Sozin's Island

"It may seem difficult, at first.
But anything is difficult, at first."


Kenreimon finished with healing the other wounded men and told the guards to take them in for questioning. She pressed that Taron was to be left under her care, as she wanted to make sure he was all right after all that damage. She would bring him in later, once she was sure he would be okay. They could question him how they liked then.

She wouldn't.

Taron would mysteriously slip away, and Kenreimon, being the Imperial Princess, an Imperial minister, and the High Priestess would not draw too many questions to her, and the man who was truly guilty would be taken care of.

Was it legal justice dictated by the laws of the land? No. But justice came in many ways--living in Nippon had taught her that.

Either way, the festival would continue, the people would be safe and none-the-wiser, and there would not be a scandal that she'd have to answer for. Crime during a festival was never a good thing.

Kenreimon listened to Taron as he explained the situation, and spent some time mulling over what he had said in her head.

"Tell me what he looks like," continued Kenreimon, "We'll skirt the outsides of the festival crowds, keep an eye out for him. I'll try to use my powers to sense him...if he starts to see us prowling, he may grow nervous, stand out in a crowd. I don't know him well enough to pick out his chi signature in a crowd, but it's better than nothing."

Kenreimon walked from the alley, calmly, slowly, as if nothing was wrong. "Is there anyone else still with him? What weapons or attacks should I look out for? Bender?"

Kenreimon had many questions, but each one would help her formulate a better plan.
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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2020 12:32 pm

Taron agreed to go along with the princesses plan.  If it didn't work out he could pursue Kobimaru on his own terms.

He has brown medium length hair and a large muscular build, tan, blue eyes.  He was wearing brown robes and blue clothing underneath.  There's a scar on his left cheek. Taron paused considering the rest of Kenreimon's questions.

"There was one other thug with him, I didn't really get a good look at him.  The thug..." Taron looked at the weapons in the alleyway to confirm his theory.  "...might have more knives, but no other weapons that I saw.  Kobimaru himself is a fire bender and didn't seem to carry any weapons.

Taron had an idea brewing in his head.  "So, Kenreimon-in, I believe that he did not see either of us.  If I change out of my armor and carry only small weapons, he probably won't recognize me, nor will he be expecting me considering I was thoroughly stabbed a few minutes ago.  We go into the festival disguised and hopefully catch him.  If he leaves the festival, he won't get far with my shirshu tracking him.  What do you think?"  

Taron pitched the idea waiting for his opportune moment to ditch the guards.  Taron smirked coyly "Besides,  It's been a long time since I've been to any festival, could be fun."  
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2020 10:08 am

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Kenrei10
Sadaijin Minister of the Left
High Priestess of the Ezofuji Dynasty
High Priestess of the Empire of the Sun
High Priestess of Nippon
Keeper of Sozin's Island

"It may seem difficult, at first.
But anything is difficult, at first."


Kenreimon scanned the streets as she listened intently to Taron's plan. "I agree. Ditch the armour and the heavy weapons, leave them here--no one's going to take them. Bad omens at a festival for the spirits, you know." Kenreimon winked. "I doubt he'd be expecting to see you, so if you take off your more identifiable features he shouldn't notice you as easily."

The two slipped from the alley and approached the festival. The massive throngs of people pushing against one another, laughing and revelling as they enjoyed sake and fried foods. The place was alive with light and sounds and smells. It was as bright as if the Sun God himself had graced humanity with his presence.

"Follow me," said Kenreimon calmly, "I'm running this festival, so if you just look and act like my bodyguard we can blend right in. I'll keep my senses out for Kobimaru, and you keep your eyes out. In the meantime, let's just enjoy the festival. I assure you, it will be fun. The most fun a criminal hunt could ever be."

Kenreimon smiled wide and took Taron by the hand. She dragged him into the crowd, who parted as their High Priestess delved into the sea of people. It was a faux pas to touch anyone who was above your status or rank in the Empire, and even moreso if she was your highest religious authority.

"Let's just enjoy the festival for now, let me know if you see him." There's no reason Kenreimon and Taron couldn't multitask.
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PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2021 1:27 pm

He doffed his armor and quickly threw on a typical fire nation shirt garb and wore his cloak with his hood back. He put his favorite great sword away, it wouldn't help him much in the crowded festival anyway. He had a simple short sword, dagger and boot knife. With that, he was ready to go. That was when Kenreimon grabbed his hand.

The human contact against his skin was sudden and unexpected, but entirely welcome... for the plan they were doing. That's right, this wasn't a game, but a more mortal part of Taron reacted. He pushed that down, it was a really very very bad idea. Kenreimon was part of the Royal family, he was a well-renowned Mercenary. It would be bad for both their reputation.

He had all these thoughts in a short moment of cold calculation on his face as he processed all this, but after that short moment a warm smile spread across his face. "Let's enjoy ourselves, anything in particular you want to see? I really festival food myself, I don't believe I've had food from this particular festival."

Taron steeled himself and kept a close watch on the people around them and into the festival they went.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai)   The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2021 5:20 pm

The Ibashiyama Festival(Closed, Makaru, Kouzai) Kenrei10
Sadaijin Minister of the Left
High Priestess of the Ezofuji Dynasty
High Priestess of the Empire of the Sun
High Priestess of Nippon
Keeper of Sozin's Island

"It may seem difficult, at first.
But anything is difficult, at first."


Kenreimon smiled. "The festival food here will not disappoint you then. The Ibashiyama Fesitval is the origin of some of the best festival food in the Empire."

Kenreimon led Taron towards Food Alley. Rows of stalls with wafting smoke and sizzling grills and fryers covered the lower part of the tower part of the city's hill. Sweets, savoury smells. Umami flavours of soy sauce. Fried tempuras. Okonomiyaki with it's fried cabbage and fish--a favourite of Kenreimon.

Many of the stall vendors would happily share their cooking with Kenreimon at no charge--though she would ensure they were paid anyway. It was considered back luck to charge a priestess, though she would always insist, calling it a "reverse donation" from the temple.

Kenreimon happily shared her food with Taron. "What do you think? Does this food live up to your expectations?" she asked him, eager for an answer.

The two proceeded further up the festival's columns of stalls. It was here Kenreimon whispered to Taron from the side of her mouth. "Not to forget our goal. I sense a scared man, wounded, not far off. Towards the festival games. He's calming, but on edge. I cannot get a clear picture, but I sense it at the edge of my senses. I can feel him. Do you perhaps have a visual? If not, we can proceed, play some games--for cover of course--and keep watch as we get closer."
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