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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Ho Hon

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PostSubject: Ho Hon   Ho Hon I_icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 12:42 pm

Name: Ho Hon
Age: 19
Birthplace: City of Mojang
Current Residence: Omashu, Earth Kingdom
Rank: Bender
Occupation: Musician/Jack of All Trades, currently working in a pet shop
Element: Air

Pets: Ho Hon has a pet male DoveGecko, Rutou, a lizard with feathered wings protruding from it's back, just slightly further down than the front limbs. Rutou is the size of a full grown man's forearm from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. His scales are a very rich, dark green, with his feathers a bright, sharp white in comparison, with flaming red eyes, making him a very striking sight. His demeanour is calm and relaxed, a very docile creature, albeit cheeky and is always on the hunt for spare scraps of food, often attacking pieces of meat much too large for his size. If enraged, however, he will fly around his target angrily, using his razor sharp, miniscule teeth to annoy and distract.

Weapons: Before leaving the Northern Air Temple, Ho Hon attained a basic glider, which he uses as his main travel method and weapon.

Birthday: Ho Hon does not know his birthday, so he celebrates his move to the Northern Air Temple as his birthday.
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Ho hon is an avid musician, playing whatever he can get his hands on, however he does own a Zhongruan, which almost never leaves his side, and also a Guqin which he lives in his home, as it's too large to move about. He is also a mad animal lover, and spends a lot of his time with, and around all sorts of animals.
Quirks: Ho Hon is unusually calm and reserved, even more so than most monks.
Family: Ho Hon does not know his family.
Character Theme:

Hair: Ho Hon has mid-length brown hair, reaching down to his eyes, but the very gentle natural curl to it keeps it out of his face. It usually clumps itself in small locks, which Ho Hon typically brushes and flicks around. Ho Hon also has a very small amount of stubble around his jawline and upper lip that he shaves just slightly too infrequently to be considered clean shaven.
Eyes: Ho Hon has very blue eyes, often attracting the adoration of the female folk, however, Ho Hon has a natural slouch to his eyes, making him seem almost uninterested constantly.
Height: Ho Hon is about 6 foot tall, but often tries to slouch and shrink himself to seem less imposing.
Clothes: Ho Hon loves his monk robes, however he has multiple different coloured robes that he changes between whenever he feels he needs too. He also has a few, much more sharp looking robes, for formal wear. These are silk and often patterned with all sorts of mythical beasts and often times depictions of musicians.
Skin: Ho Hon has lovely white skin, slightly tanned due to him being outside with animals or playing his instruments on his days off, outside his home or around the city. Ho hon has a minuscule amount of scaring around his hands, forearms, and feet, thanks to the assortment of weird and wonderful creatures, mostly lizards and other reptiles, that like to have a taste of his skin.
Body Type: Ho Hon, being a monk, takes great pleasure in his physical activities, therefore he stays very fit and very toned. He is an Air Bender, thus he is not very built, but he is agile and surprisingly strong for someone of his musculature.
Image: None for now.

Personality: Ho Hon is a very conflicted person internally, often doubting his progress in life and his abilities with anything. Often times he is berating himself for messing something up with a woman, or a musical piece, however his training as a monk has greatly reduced this problem, becoming a much more calm, reserved person, but his internal battles are constantly raging inside, causing him a lot of stress. Externally he portrays a very calm, dependable person, the perfect picture of a relaxed monk, enjoying his time in this world and with the people around him.

Although he tries desperately to control his mind and his nerves, sometimes, under great deals of stress and pressure, Ho Hon will snap and his calmness with melt away, revealing the depraved, violent, hate-filled inner self, that he's constantly battling internally to keep at bay. Once his inner self is exposed, it takes a great deal of struggle to contain it again, not without causing physical, mental, and spiritual pain to those around.

Because of his constantly internal war, Ho Hon loves to surround himself with pleasantries and things that he loves, namely music, animals, tea, and gardening, almost always completely immersing himself in whichever he's feeling at the time. He always makes time for others, constantly assisting anyone and anything, be it man, machine, animal or whatever else he encounters.

Personal Strengths: -Striving for constant calm and peace, within and outside himself
-Caring nature to all living things
-Willpower to drag himself out of laziness
-Strong love for all music
-Makes a wicked pot of tea
Personal Weaknesses: -Constant struggle to keep his true, hate-filled nature subdued
-Peaceful to a fault, Ho Hon finds it hard to lay down the law when it's needed
-Ho Hon is easy to depress, as he's constantly doubting himself, any negative criticism causes him to become depressed
Hamartia: His true self is constantly trying to escape and cause harm, which is easy to provoke in him if his buttons are pushed, such as harming animals around him, harming the peace, or harming Ho Hon himself in personal attacks.
Personal Hero: His monk teachers are constant inspiration to Ho Hon
Dreams and Ambitions: His dream is to finally defeat his inner self and achieve true inner peace and tranquillity, for he despises that hate-filled Ho Hon

Likes: -Animals

Dislikes: -Unbalance
-Laziness in himself and others
-Bad smells, except glorious stinky farts, as all men do
-Bad music

Brief History: Ho Hon was born to a small family of travelling merchants, being the 2nd child of his mother and father, with an older sister. Unfortunately during a robbery on the road, he managed to crawl away from the scene and escape. This would be the last time he saw his parents, even though he would not remember as he was not even a year old. He was picked up by a monk by the river, and although the monk searched for Ho Hon's parents, after a few days he brought Ho Hon to the northern air temple, where he would spend the majority of his life being raised and trained by the monks. The years flew by, and he discovered his natural affinity for Air Bending, and he was train to be a fully fledged monk.

During his time at the temple, around the age of 13, Ho Hon realized the change in himself, where he became very irritable, easily angered, quick to jump to violence. Through discussions and more training from the monks, Ho Hon learnt to repress his true aggressive nature and forced himself down the righteous path. At the age of 16, the monks informed him of his ability to leave the Temple, and make his own path in this world, however Ho Hon felt unprepared for the journey ahead of him, due to his innate doubtfulness and distrust of himself and his ability to control his inner demons. He stayed a few more years, honing his skills in both Air Bending and Meditation, while also learning new skills with his music and animals.

As a parting gift, for his journey ahead, the monks gave Ho Hon both a glider and a Zhongruan to take with him, so he may remember his training, and always have some things to calm him down if he requires it. Ho Hon left for Omashu, deciding he could assist the city in it's own struggle while he tried to resolve his own. On his journey, he fell deeply in love with nature and all it's offerings, and even acquiring his faithful companion Rutou to accompany him. Upon his arrival in Omashu, he found himself unaccustomed to dealing with a much larger amount of people, and spent the first year in and out of jobs, before finding a vacancy at a small, secluded pet shop, where he currently resides now, in his spare time making tea for passer-bys and entertaining them with music and wisdom.
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PostSubject: Re: Ho Hon   Ho Hon I_icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2014 12:47 pm

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