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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Kaori Mizu

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PostSubject: Kaori Mizu   Kaori Mizu I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 10:37 pm

    Name: Kaori Mizu
    Age: 18
    Current Residence: Southern Water Tribe
    Rank: Bender
    Element: Water
    Pets: Tara, a female polar bear dogs with only the paws black.

    Birthday: December 12
    Hobbies: Loves to take Tara out on long runs.
    Character Theme : Head Strong – Linkin Park

    Hair: She has long blonde hair, going down around her lower back. Its Straight, thought she normally keeps it half up in a half pony tail.
    Eyes: Blue/Green, very roundish.
    Height: 5’ 6”
    Clothes: She wears a knee-length blue skirt with slits up both legs. It has white flux fur at the waist line. She also wears black tights underneath. Her shirt is a sky blue, off the shoulders. She wears short black boots. She also has a navy blue choker around her neck.
    Skin: Smooth Skin, a bit pale.
    Body Type: Quite skinny, but overly skinny.
    Image: http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/14ddcbcb7cb328f48a6339b63bd12aa11376561.jpg

    Personality: Kaori is very outgoing and speaks her mind no matter the trouble she may face. She is very polite though, and has a large heart. Kaori always tries have fun too, she hates being bored. Though she isn't polite at all when she is pissed off. When pissed off she is sarcastic.
    Personal Strengths: Kaori is a very fast thinker.
    Personal Weaknesses : Because she is a fast thinker, she sometimes…okay most of the time….makes mistakes. She does not always think things fully throw and just acts upon whatever it is.

    Likes: Being with Tara, her friends, the snow, having fun

    Dislikes: heat, being alone or bored, war

    Brief History: Kaori lives alone in the Southern water tribe, and she likes it that way. Her mother taught her water bending but wasn't always the best person. In fact Yuri got reprimanded several times though most times over stupid things. Kaori wasn't the one to complain after all she is now a very strong Water Bender. When Kaori was younger her father was lost in war and her mother, well, didn't like raising her alone. Kaori loved to escape most days, away from harsh training. She would wonder as far as her feet would take her. She would dream what was past that ocean. Yuri dreamed of going everywhere. One day she returned home and something was off. She looked in her home and noticed her mother was gone. She was only 14 at the time.

    She was taken care by a neighbor who took very good care of her. Though in memory of her mother, she tried harder and harder each day. Every day she hoped she would find her once again. Though with each passing day that dream seemed to slip further and further

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PostSubject: Re: Kaori Mizu   Kaori Mizu I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 10:52 pm

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