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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Anila Cantor

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Posts : 1
Age : 27
Join date : 2012-07-30

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PostSubject: Anila Cantor   Anila Cantor I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 1:48 pm

Okay its my first time in an RPG pretty much, ever. Sorry for all the mistakes I KNOW I am going to make.
Name: Anila Cantor
Age: 11
Birthplace: Light Bender State of the Vermilion Dragon Empire
Current Residence: Southern Air Temple
Rank: Bender
Element: Air, Spirit
Birthday: 20 August
Blood type: O+
Hobbies: Dancing, Gymnastics
Quirks: Tends to behave rigidly before strangers and regulates her body language very strictly.
Family: Mother, Father (deceased), Sister

Hair: Very dark brown, straight as rain, brushes her waist when let down but is usually bound in a high ponytail. Hair is layered such that the back is long and the front is short, so short chin-length locks of hair frame her face even when the rest is tied up.
Eyes: Cat-like, almost the same shade as her hair (dark brown)
Height: 4'9"
Clothes: Loose pale green cotton shirt with bloused sleeves that cinch at the elbows, black tights and leather ankle boots. Wears an engraved silver ring around her thumb
Skin: Smooth skin colour ranging from ivory to pale gold
Body Type: Leanly muscled, slim but strong boned.

Personality: When meeting unfamiliar people, she remains subdued and introverted, not very social. Once you know her closely, however, she actually has a very entertaining, humourous and strong personality--bordering on domineering. However she still frequently lapses into antisocial moods. Slightly irresponsible and easily distracted, but ambitious and inspiring. If she takes interest in something, she will not stop until she has completed the task. A natural leader, she is quick to offend but quicker to apologize. Highly competitive, she dislikes losing and takes failure very personally. Uses very vulgar language despite her young age. She is also very precocious, and displays her unusual wisdom in times of dire trouble. Has a good sense of judgement, but this is often marred by her hot temper and stubborn streak. Cares deeply for her friends and is surprisingly sentimental, often reminiscing about past events. Had a difficult relationship with her parents, especially her father before he died. Admires sister, a light bender a lot, and often wishes she could heal like her.

Personal Strengths: Creative, Artistic, Charismatic, Loyal
Personal Weaknesses: Temper, Insecurity, Pride, idealistic dreamer, procrastinator
Hamartia: Unable to admit to her mistakes until the consequences are too severe to ignore
Personal Hero: Her father
Dreams and Ambitions: Master her bending, dance professionally, join the forces defending against Ullondor

Likes: Sketching, Musicals, Music, cats, books

Dislikes: Loathes cockroaches. Cucumbers, papaya, insults

Brief History: Her mother was an airbending master, who fell in love with her father a lightbender healer of the Light Bending State. After maintaining their marriage across two states for a few years, her mother finally decided to leave her people permanently after the birth of her first child, Asta. Three years later Anila was born in the Light State. Anila thus only knows the Air Temples from the few visits her mother brought her on. She inherited her mother's airbending and was an airbending prodigy, earning her master's arrows at the tender young age of 10. Her sister inherited their father's lightbending and was apprenticed to her father. Because of this, there was often a sense of favouritism in the family, with their mother tending to favour Anila and their father favouring her older sister, Asta.
Shortly after earning her master's arrows, Anila, after being scolded severely by her father for being rude, ran away from home and joined a travelling circus troupe. Knowing that her father had always warned that the spirit world was a dangerous place, when the troupe was travelling past the Shadow Lands, she decided to prove to herself that he was wrong and ventured in one night while the rest of the troupe was asleep. Unfortunately she came face to face with Ko, the face-stealer. She had been warned of Ko by her father before, and knew to keep her face unmoving. However she was terrified and unable to keep her features from contorting in fear. Just as Ko was about to turn around and steal her face, he is distracted by a yell--her father had tracked the troupe to find her, and had been warned by some of his spirit friends of her plight. He drove Ko away, and came over to carry the now sobbing Anila away. Suddenly Ko flew back, frustrated and determined to steal Anila's face. To protect her, her father looks straight at Ko and smiles. His face is stolen, he dies and Ko is satisfied. Anila screams with grief and frustration and summons undead samurai warriors who drive Ko away for good this time. Thus she discovers her spirit bending powers. She is found the next morning by the troupe, on the edges of the Shadow Land. She decides to return home. Faced with the news that her husband is dead, Anila's mother grieves her soulmate and is never quite the same again. The family is broken.

On her 11th birthday, she returns to the Southern Air Temple to further her studies in air bending, as well as to learn more about her spirit bending by interacting with the air spirit Aderyn.

(Is this feasible sorry I have no idea >< I tried to follow what rules I could.)
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PostSubject: Re: Anila Cantor   Anila Cantor I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 2:09 pm

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