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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Tsumi Buredo
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420 Years
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It is currently the year: 420 AO (After Ozai)

Kaniehtí:io "Ziio" Aarushi

Earth King Lu Meleng
Emperor Nobunaga Ezofuji
Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
Roland Hirahara, King of the Four Winds
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 Kou Forea

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Advanced Novice
Advanced Novice

Posts : 13
Age : 24
Join date : 2012-07-27

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PostSubject: Kou Forea   Kou Forea I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 10:06 am

Name: Kou Forea
Age: 15
Birthplace: Fire nation
Current Residence: She travels from place to place with her ostrichhorse,Blaze.
Rank: Firebender Firebender
Element: Fire Firebender
Pets: A female dragonhawk named Suna and a male ostrichhorse named Blaze
Weapons: A sword and her bending Firebender

Birthday: January 2nd
Hobbies: Traveling,drawing,practicing her bending.
Quirks: She is kind and sweet but people still fear her because she's fire nation so she wears black to show she is from no nation.

Hair: She has dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders.It has some wave in it and she usally wears it in a pony tail.
Height: 5ft. 5in.
Clothes: She wears a cotton black shirt with blue lining around the neck to hide that she's fire nation.She wears dark blue baggy pants made of silk.
Skin: She has light,smooth skin.
Body Type: She is very strong but still has a women-like body.
Image: sry,don't have one.

Personality: She is nice and makes friends well.She can burn you to ashes if you make her mad though.
Personal Strengths: Fast,a skilled fire bender,can tame almost any animal,and is a quick thinker.
Personal Weaknesses: Gets moody,can be stubborn,and doesn't take everything seriously.
Personal Hero: Nobody.She takes care of herself,though she likes to have friends to watch her back.
Dreams and Ambitions: She worrys about today,not yesterday or tomarrow.

Likes: Likes to act like a tomboy,be with her friends,and have lots of fun.
Dislikes: Being,cold,hungry,and tired.She will tolerate it though.She also hates people who think she's weak.

Brief History: Her parents abandonded her when she was 10.She found a ostrichhorse and started to travel the world.She can get emotional when she is asked about her past,though she won't show it.While traveling she vistited the sand benders and they were torchering a young dragonhawk.She saved it with her bending and fled before they could retrieve it.She found someone who would heal her and soon named her Suna when she decided to keep her.
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Posts : 395
Age : 25
Join date : 2010-03-06
Location : Arendelle

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PostSubject: Re: Kou Forea   Kou Forea I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 10:17 am

Same for this application aswell, your personallity and history needs to be WAY longer! Just read what I said on Mizu, and edit both apps. Smile
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Advanced Novice
Advanced Novice

Posts : 13
Age : 24
Join date : 2012-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: Kou Forea   Kou Forea I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 11:12 am

Name: Kou Forea
Age: 15
Birthplace: Fire nation
Current Residence: She travels from place to place with her ostrichhorse,Blaze.
Rank: Firebender
Element: Fire
Pets: A female dragonhawk named Suna and a male ostrichhorse named Blaze
Weapons: A sword and her bending

Birthday: January 2nd
Hobbies: Traveling,drawing,practicing her bending.
Quirks: She is kind and sweet but people still fear her because she's fire nation so she wears black to show she is from no nation.

Hair: She has dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders.It has some wave in it and she usally wears it in a pony tail.
Height: 5ft. 5in.
Clothes: She wears a cotton black shirt with blue lining around the neck to hide that she's fire nation.She wears dark blue baggy pants made of silk.
Skin: She has light,smooth skin.
Body Type: She is very strong but still has a women-like body.
Image: sry,don't have one.

Personality: She is nice and makes friends well.She can burn you to ashes if you make her mad though.She loves animals.She is very wise but acts silly alot which makes you think she isn't.She loves to have fun and be a tomboy.
Personal Strengths: Fast,a skilled fire bender,can tame almost any animal,and is a quick thinker.
Personal Weaknesses: Gets moody,can be stubborn,and doesn't take everything seriously.
Personal Hero: Nobody.She takes care of herself,though she likes to have friends to watch her back.
Dreams and Ambitions: She worrys about today,not yesterday or tomarrow.

Likes: Likes to act like a tomboy,be with her friends,and have lots of fun.
Dislikes: Being,cold,hungry,and tired.She will tolerate it though.She also hates people who think she's weak.

Brief History: She was born into a rich,greedy family.She had a older brother and a younger sister.She couldn't fire bend as well as them so her parents abandonded her when she was 10.She found a ostrichhorse and started to travel the world.She can get emotional when she is asked about her past,though she won't show it.While traveling she vistited the sand benders and they were torchering a young dragonhawk.She saved it with her bending and fled before they could retrieve it.She found someone who would heal her and soon named her Suna when she decided to keep her.
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PostSubject: Re: Kou Forea   Kou Forea I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 11:50 am

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PostSubject: Re: Kou Forea   Kou Forea I_icon_minitime

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