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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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PostSubject: Tai Zhou   Tai Zhou I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 6:17 pm

    Name: Tai Zhou
    Age: 14
    Birthplace: Southern water tribe
    Current Residence: Southern water tribes
    Rank: Bender
    Occupation: N/A
    Element: Water bending (Too young for other categories.)
    Weapons: Often times when travelling away from his homeland Tai will equip several containers to his clothing which are filled with water. This is to supply an immediate access to the source of his bending in self defence or attack.

    Birthday: (What day was your character born?)
    Blood type: B positive.
    Hobbies: Like most kids or young teenagers Tai loves to play any game the more intense the better.
    Quirks: One of the quirks of Tai is that when encounter new things or amazing sights he can immediately become enraptured by the sight. On some occasions or when the object or person has been hyped up his interest can be held for days on end. Another quirk of Tai is his bottomless stomach and the record time it takes him to consume food.
    Father: Zhao Zhou (Non Bender)
    Mother: Meili Zhou (Water Bender)
    Elder Brother: Dai Zhou (Water Bender)


    Hair: Tai Zhou has untamed black hair that spikes outwardly in several directions. There is no particular style to Tai’s hair.
    Eyes: Possess large hazel eyes
    Height: 5’5ft
    Clothes: Tai often wears a dark blue tunic with the sleeves reaching just below the elbow and loose fitting to not prohibit movement. Along the tunic’s cloth is adornments from the southern tribe such as the upper back of the tunic and shoulders having fur sewn into the materials to protect slightly more from the cold of his surroundings. The tunic falls down to knee height, the tunic is held in place by a black cloth wrapped around the waist. For trousers Tai wears light blue trousers in contrast to the colour of his tunic and they are similarly loose to prevent hindrance to movement.
    Skin: Smooth Skin
    Body Type: Being only the age of fourteen Tai has not yet grown into the body he will have at an older stage of his life. At the present however, he is built in a cross between an endomorph and mesomorph body type.
    Image: Tai Zhou R2


    Personality: Tai Zhou is a boy that has always lived in the shadow of a more talented brother. In earlier years he had looked up to his brother as someone to aspire to be, talented, confident and other such positive traits but as he grew older around the age of twelve this aspiration to become his brothers equal has instead turn into a burning desire to surpass him. Tai by living in the shadows for most of his life hates to have his achievements being passed off by other people, and feels an overwhelming urge to prove himself on every occasion because of it. The young water bender has lived in the southern tribes territory for his entire life and wishes to depart from them as soon as possible, he feels that it’s the only way he will improve significantly with all of his previous masters either running out of things to teach him or departing due to lend their abilities to the current political situation.

    Being young and having dreams of the outside world around him, Tai’s attention can always be enraptured by new things or interesting people from outside the tribe. These could be things such as new inventions or people who have earned renown for performing remarkable feats for example. Hardly any cunning or guile lays within Tai at this stage in his life, this is mainly due to not having to resort to it much over the span of his life but also the fact that he is very blunt and usually does not mask his words, unless there was a very urgent need to. Tai although being young or perhaps because he is young is able to display large quantities or courage and able to stand against people that are much more well trained, bigger and experienced than himself. Despite this courage however, he is by no means fearless but he is able to mask his fear admirably well.

    Personal Strengths: Iron will, Confidence, Inquisitive, Bending skills and a sense of humour.
    Personal Weaknesses: Short temper, No sense of guile, fears stagnation in the development of his abilities, Lack of experience and easily become jealous.
    Hamartia: Jealousy
    Personal Hero: His brother although ironically through it he has become his worse enemy.
    Dreams and Ambitions: Surpassing every expectation that people had of his abilities and to never be overshadowed again in his life.

    Likes: Food of any description, Water, New creations, Interesting people and Receiving praise.

    Dislikes: Being overshadowed, Losing in anything, People underestimating his abilities and being trapped in one place for too long.

    Brief History: Tai Zhou was born admits the ice and snow of the southern water tribe. Tai was born as the youngest son of his family the older being Dai Zhou. Growing up Tai was often in the background to his brother who was being taught by his mother at the time on the art of water bending, Dai was a natural at bending accomplishing things no one of his age should have any notion of succeeding at. Dai consciously or not laid the groundwork for the respect and admiration that Tai would give to him in the later years of his life. The youngest Zhou would follow his brother constantly just to be in his company, he would often beg his mother to instruct him as well in order to follow in the footsteps within his brother. Finally after Tai had reached an appropriate age Meili Zhou would begin the instruction of Tai. Despite showing great potential himself in the art of water bending Tai’s talent would only flicker like a spark next to his brother’s prowess. Unable to out perform his brother Tai’s achievements within the early years of his bending would become overshadowed. Such as times he would manage to control large sections of water for the first time, it would always end in a long nostalgic speech of his brother able to control twice as much.

    Admiration turned into jealousy over the years as his brother continued to outshine him at every step. Instead of looking up to his kin he would begin to imagine instead that his brother was looking down upon him. As the outside world developed around him Tai would become increasingly more inquisitive from people in the outside world or new creations being invented. On the other hand, those outside changes took an internal change within Tai’s family as well, for instance his mother and brother departed from the southern water tribe in order to travel north in order to fight. Both left for different reasons however, his mother Meili departed the tribe in order to find out more about the conflicts erupting through the world. Dai on the other hand who had grown increasingly more arrogant due to his natural grace and talent wanted to depart the southern islands to make more of a name for himself. Tai had mixed feelings about this stage within his life, for one thing he had lost his mother and teacher for a very long period of time, potentially for ever and his brother the one he envied and aspired to yet at the same time was jealous and overshadowed by.

    Losing his teacher as well as his role model Tai would take any opportunity he could take in order to improve his water bending. Without the spectre of his brother constantly overshadowing his accomplishments he began to gain more recognition for his developing talents. Confidence began to build in his abilities and soon his water bending was improving at a much more accelerated rate. Tai, with this new found confidence began to dream of a life outside the water tribes, to explore the vast land and allow his skills to flourish and outshine those around him for a change. Tai‘s father on the other hand forbid leaving the water tribes, much to his resentment. The reasons being various and each of them having enough merit such as the work needed to be done, the age he was at was hardily adequate to go off adventuring and other such reasons. This is the current stage that the young water bender is in at this moment, he is desperately seeking to find away from the islands and a way to improve his skills to surpass all those around him.

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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

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PostSubject: Re: Tai Zhou   Tai Zhou I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2012 6:38 pm

Approved, lol I need an approval badge.
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