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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 The Pyramids. W.I.P

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The Hybrid
The Hybrid

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The Pyramids. W.I.P Empty
PostSubject: The Pyramids. W.I.P   The Pyramids. W.I.P I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 7:44 pm

    Name: Koaba, Bean. C
    Age: 24
    Birthplace: Northern Water Tribe
    Current Residence: Southern Water Tribe
    Rank: Bender
    Occupation: Vice Admiral
    Element: Water, Ice, and blood
    Pets: (Optional. Detailed.)
    Weapons: (Optional. Detailed.)

    Birthday: (What day was your character born?)
    Blood type: (Your character blood type)
    Hobbies: (Your character's hobbies or interests)
    Quirks: (Something unique or unusual about this character)
    Family: (Your characters family members)
    Character Theme: (A theme song you think best matches your character)

    Hair: (Be descriptive! Do not say, "Black, short, straight". Say, "She has black hair going down to her shoulders. It is straight, with a bit of a curl at the end of it.")
    Eyes: (You know the drill. Size, and color. Shape is optional, but be realistic)
    Height: (Be realistic. A 6' tall 13 year old? No way! A 5'5'' 13 year old? Yes)
    Clothes: (Be detailed. Don't say, "Blue pants, red shirt." Say, "She wears orange silk kung-fu pants and a yellow kung-fu shirt. The sleeves of the shirt are decorated with dragons." etc.)
    Skin: (Does your character have smooth skin? Rough skin? Scales? Fur? Feathers? All of the above?)
    Body Type: (How is your character built? Is he well built? A John Cena look alike? A skinny wimp?)
    Image: (Optional, you may use http://www.tektek.org/dream to make your picture. Pretty standard. If you don't like tektek, then you can use your own picture of choice)


    Personality: Koaba Bean is a rather strange individual. He is one of the coolest guys you could ever meet and he is far from a closed book. The man loves to talk and will talk to you all day if you allow him to. Koaba can be rather pushy and over hyper at some times and it makes him look stupid sometime but that is just part of his wild side. Even tho it does not look like it Koaba Bean is quite strong and can sometime hint that alot just for the fun of it even tho it may make some people very mad and tired of hearing it. Believe it or not Koaba has a strong love for children as he says they are the source of life that keeps the world going along with the on going fact that he thinks babies are made of natural energy from the air, Not to mention Koaba gets a drive that makes him very determined and eager to do things no matter how difficult. The man is very loyal and will follow his leader to the ends of the world as long as its making the world a better place. Koaba is a man who loves to fight even if its just for 2 seconds he doesn't care if its a spar or even a life or death situation, A fight is a fight and that is how Koaba feels. Even when Koaba is angry or sad he tries to makes the best out of every situation just so he can control himself and keep his cool, His bond with his brethren is like no other. They share almost everything and are completely different. His ideal on females is rather simple. He believes nothing is better than getting casual sex without any ties to said person unless love in in the air. Besides that Koaba does not bring up any form of sexual intercourse between him and his partner(S). Sometimes Koaba can be a jokester. He does believe that life is a game and it goes by how you play it. His favorite subject is humans and he loves to learn new things about them. He loves to train and would do it all day if possible. As for his dislikes they are many things. Such as people who think bending is a work of the devil. And people who believe they are better than others.

    Personal Strengths: (At least 1-5; not too many)
    Personal Weaknesses: (2-5. Weaknesses create interesting characters. Not many people want to put a lot, but put 2-5)
    Hamartia: (What is your character's one fatal flaw?)
    Personal Hero: (A character or maybe an NPC)
    Dreams and Ambitions: (Does your character have a life goal or a dream?)

    Likes: (About 5)

    Dislikes: (Again, about 5)

    Brief History:

    Birth of The Bean

    On a business trip on a cold winter day 2 people drove down a road with their cart.1 was female 1 was a male.The female was pregnant with the males son.The female soon learned that she was going into labor but had no where to give birth on this cold cold day.As her husband went into a panic trying to figure out what to do his wife started screaming more saying the pain was to much for her.She began to scream in a loud piercing screech which would make her husband bleed from his ears a little bit.He began to wonder what he could do then he had an idea.He broke the cart open and laid his wife on it.He tried to give birth to there unborn child but sadly his wife could not push the child out.She began to tell her husband that he needed to open up her stomach and get the baby out.He hesitated then let out some tears before screaming to his wife that he loves her.He then grabbed a pocket knife from his bag and began to cut his wifes stomach open.As she screamed and cried he kept saying he loved her.But as the time went on it got colder and colder.As her stomach finally opened the husband pulled the baby out and cut this cord hanging from him.He hugged the baby and turned the baby towards its mother.She let out a small amount of words which were faint and shallow."Hes a boy he is my son.I want to name him Koaba." as this was said the baby boy started crying.With his blue colored eyes the boys father cracked a smirk and smiled on how his son was the real future of the Northern Water Tribe.As more and more hours went by the happy couple said there goodbyes as Koaba mother began to die.He gave Koaba and his father a kiss then her eyes closed and she began to stiffen up.Koaba's father picked up his son Koaba and keep on moving foward in the cold air.As they were walking Koaba father began to talk."Im Kagara and your mother Kera. son.I want you to be the next big then to the Water Tribe."Koaba grabbed his fathers left index finger Kagara began to smile as a group of men began to appear Kagara put Koaba on the ice cold floor and began to say to the men."You can do whatever you want to me.Just don't hurt my son."The men didn't want to hear anything Kagara had to say.The all circled him and killed him.His final words were "i love you Koaba."Koaba began to cry as he didn't know what was going on and the only people that he has ever seen have been on the ground in bloody pools.The men then took Blake and began to set out in the direction where his mothers dead body laid.

    Celestial Being

    With the first year of the boys life he found himself in the southern water tribe village. He was there being raised by some village elders who decided they would take the boy in and not leave him to die. During his time in the southern water tribe the boy learned many of things. One of said things was learn how to go otter-penguin sledding. It was ironically a major past time where he had lived. Everyone was doing it for the fun. Another thing he had learned was how to walk. The boy was very happy to spend his first year of life in the quiet peaceful southern water tribe but that would all change when some Norther Water Tribers came to share spoils of war. One of the men happened to be the maternal grandfather of the young boy. He had knew who the baby was and everything. He looked at the boy in awe before picking him up with tears of joy the grandfather hugged the boy and made off with him after explaining the situation. Once in the Northern Water Tribe a party was thrown for the safe return of a young boy named Koaba. At the time Koaba hadn't known this party was for him but he was enjoying it. He was happy to be with his grandpa but he had also missed the family that took him in from his last home. Once the boy turned two he was able to speak and which his grandfather told him he would have to start training to be a great water warrior. The boy started spinning and he caused water to come up. The grandfather was very surprised to learn his grandson was something neither of his parents were. A waterbender. The grandfather decided it wasn't his time to train the boy. He would take him elsewhere for this.

    Training Of The Bean

    As the boy was set out at 6 AM to meet a man near the school of the talented Northern Water Benders Koaba met a guy named Loa Shung. This man seemed rather old and he would soon be the man to teach the art of Water Bending to the young Koaba. The two set off into the blissful morning and would go on the journey of a lifetime. The would train in the polar ice caps where the 2 year old Koaba would start the basics of water bending. He would firstly start out with flow before he moved up to the actual art of bending. As the motion of the men rocked back and forth Koaba hit the teacher with water causing water to splash them in the face. They would train in this area for 10 years. Within the 10 years time the young man learned about flow and ying and yang. The power of the moon and how to be a true bender. He was much bigger now and had grown pretty well for a twelve year old boy. He wasn't as wise as can be but he was sure smart and funny. The boy enjoyed making jokes on others. As Loa Shung announced it was time for the two to return home the young Koaba shed a tear for the place he learned to call his home, But on the upside he got to see his grandfather again. Their reunion was long over do. As the two came up to the Northern Water Tribe central gates the guards began to open the walls and as they opened Koaba saw his grandparents sitting at the first bridge waiting for his return. On his twelve birthday he got to go home and become something he had always wanted to be. A prime waterbender. Once on shore the grandfather hugged the boy with a major grip. He had known that this was a day for joy but for him it was a right of passage. He knew that this was time for him to start doing his army training and he wanted that more than anything.


    On the first day of training the young boy would brace himself with everything his grandfather had to offer. Including the art of stealth. This was most important for invasions mainly because you could not be spotted. The boy would have to sneak up on his grandfather. This wasn't suppose to be a simple task but it wasn't suppose to be the hardest either. The boy tried effortlessly and would do so for months on end until one day he used the melting ice to his advantage to mislead his grandfathers mental prowess. As he achieved his goal he knew he would soon start his hand to hand training. He would continue this training for years. Exactly 12 years later the boy was 24 years old. He was now in the army and his grandfather was now stuck at home withering out the rest of his days with his lovely wife also known as Koaba's grandmother. At this point in his life Koaga was moving up the ranks and after 11 years in the army the boy made himself the leader. He was now at the point in life where he was at the highpoint. Soon after his became leader of the watertribe army Koaga recieved a paisho piece of the infamous white lotus.

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