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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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420 Years
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Kaniehtí:io "Ziio" Aarushi

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Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
Roland Hirahara, King of the Four Winds
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 Deikan Jitsan

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PostSubject: Deikan Jitsan   Deikan Jitsan I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 7:34 am

    Name: Deikan Jitsan
    Age: 23
    Birthplace: Ba Sing Se
    Current Residence: Halfway between Ba Sing Se and the Eastern Air Temple
    Rank: Bender
    Occupation: Hunter
    Element: Air and Earth
    Pets: Shoso, a fully grown sky bison, with very thick white hair.
    Weapons: An airbender staff that used to belong to his father: covered in swirling markings with the airbending symbol stamped on the ends.

    Birthday: 30th December 684YAFO
    Blood type: O+
    Hobbies: Reading, sleeping, training and unsuccessfully meditating
    Quirks: Hates everyone and everything
    Family: Joren Naru

    Hair: Shaved with the blue airbending arrow tattoo reaching over his head and ending on his forehead. If his hair grows it is dark brown at the back with blond and red strands in his fringe.
    Eyes: Large dark brown eyes, slightly angled upwards. there are light gold flecks in both irises
    Height: 6'4"
    Clothes: Woolen yellow long sleeved shirt, with an orange woolen pull-over. He also woolen yellow trousers, but thick leather walking boots. His trousers are held up by a leather belt with assorted pockets and a large water pouch attached to it.
    Skin: Rough tanned skin from exposure to sun, and large a,ounts of sand/wind
    Body Type: Well built with wide shoulders and toned muscles.

    Personality: Deikan is an enigma. He has a way of alienating everyone around him because of his hatred of everything around him, but if you tear down that quite thick facade, you find a lonely young man who misses his parents. When his facade is up he hates everyone and can only have the smallest of conversations, but when his facade is down, he can be open, happy and quite charming. He only lowers his facade when he reaches any Air Temple, as he trusts all air nomads.
    Personal Strengths: Physical strength, cunning, wariness, airbending skill, detachment from almost everyone
    Personal Weaknesses: Detachment, lack of trust, his suspicion, his hatred of human nature
    Hamartia: Putting his quest for his brother over everything else
    Personal Hero: Vermilion Emperor Kouzai I
    Dreams and Ambitions: To find his brother, Joren

    Likes: Good Food, Good Wine, Sunsets, Snow, Cold air, Air Nomads

    Dislikes: Company, loud people, too many people, deserts, lukewarm water... etc

    Brief History: From when he was born, Deikan was always mischevious. He messed around and made both himself and other people laugh. His father was an Airbender, and his mother a non-bender. When Deikan was 8, his little brother Geshe was born, a unique name for a boy with two halves, black hair/white hair, and brown/ice blue eyes respectively. A few days after the birth of Geshe, Deikan's father was called away to the Southern Air temple on an errand, and asked if his wife and two sons could be escorted to the Northern Air Temple where they would begin their training. it was on the journey to the Northern Air Temple where tragedy struck. In two short hours, the convoy carrying Deikan, Deikan's mother and baby Geshe was attacked. No one is sure who attacked them, they are only sure there were only two survivors: Deikan and baby Geshe. During the attack, while the earthbenders guarding the convoy were trading blows with their assailants, Deikan escaped with Geshe, and ran away. However, two hundred metres outs, Deikan wanted to return to protect his mother, and so hid Geshe under a bramble bush, and ran back to the convoy, only to find burning wreckage and cold corpses. Deikan then ran back to where he left Geshe, but it was dark and Deikan could not see where Geshe was. When Deikan's father found out, he got to the ruined convoy as fast as he could, but could also only find Deikan.
    After the tragedy, Deikan went to the Southern Air Temple with his father to begin his trining, however both men had changed. Deikan had suppressed his kind charming side, instead replacing it with a cold hateful shell, and Deikan's father (although an excellent teacher and wonderful airbending rolemodel) never said a loving word to Deikan again, instead devoting his free time to meditation and the acquisition of enlightenment. Deikan soon mastered the Airbending disciplines, breaking through all 36 training tiers in record time, and yet still Deikan's father refused to show any compassion, or pride. However, Deikan was keeping a secret from his father: ever since the tragic death of his mother, and the loss of his brother (which he blames himself for) he found he could earthbend. Soon after Deikan acquired his mastery tattoos, his father achieved enlightenment and passed away soon after.
    Deikan saw it as a form of liberation, and so travelled to Ba Sing Se where he began his earthbending training. This took the majority of his adolescent life (from the age of 15 to 20) but he eventually mastered the discipline.
    He then began travelling around the world, searching for a purpose: eventually, he found one. Whilst in a tea shop in a town not far from the Capital of the Vermilion Empire, he overheard a conversation between two airbenders about a remarkable young cook in the Northern Air Temple. Deikan was just about to leave, when one of the men mentioned the boy's eyes: one dark brown, the other ice blue. Deikan interrogated the man and began to search for a boy who may be his long lost brother Geshe Jitsan, but goes by the name of Joren Naru.

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PostSubject: Re: Deikan Jitsan   Deikan Jitsan I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 4:56 pm

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