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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Ambrosia the Plant women

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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 1:16 am

    Name: Ambrosia AKA Delilah Dark Nation Noble family
    Age: 26
    Birthplace: Dark Nation
    Current Residence: Lower Ring Earth Kingdom
    Rank: Twin Blade Clan / Bender /Dark Nation Noble
    Occupation: Gang
    Element: Nature & Fire Bending
    Pets: N/A
    Weapons: N/A

    Birthday: First day of the year
    Blood type: H plus
    Hobbies: A women with small interests but with much vigor. She loves nature, the trees, flowers, and the creatures that live within the world. She also loves to fight, she does once in a while appear in tournaments to beat the fellow competition.
    Quirks: She is bound with plants and became the thing that she loved most. Now with the ability to bend the nature around her at will and also she looks like the nature she bends. Her new ability also added in fire bending that mixed into her nature bender. Her body then also changes at will from her normal nature bending form to her fire form. The plants themselves can squirt lava and or bend fire. When in this form her plants are immune to fire but when in her normal form they are not.
    Family: GILRIN Noble Family
    Character Theme: Marilyn Manson

    Hair: Firey, spicy, full of color. Her hair extends to her lower back, bright red so full of color that even some people might say that her hair is on fire. Even in both other forms, her hair is still bright red. Yet in her fire / plant form her hair is glowing red hot white.
    Eyes: In her human form while of course she walks among the people, her eyes are red. Red like a rose as the colors seem to captivate some men, in her other two forms her eyes are darker kind of red.
    Height: 5 foot 7
    Clothes: Her clothing is what her step father had given her. Red silk dress that she later turned to suit her needs to fight. The colors are red and white but the outfit it self has been cut and altered that would not be appropriate for a noble women. In her other forms plants and her body are changed to fit her bending abilities.
    Skin: In her normal form her skin is as soft and delicate in her other forms her skin is a pale green, in her fiery form her skin is more orange.
    Body Type: Slender yet athletic her body has a bit of sex appeal to it, she is attractive as she is deadly.
    Human Form:
    Plant Form:
    Fire Planet Form:

    Personality: She is a women who is extremely flirtatious, she will do what ever she can to get her way. A women who also is very full of herself as she is very confident in her abilities. She believes that she deserves to get everything that she wants and she will do it anyway possible.
    Personal Strengths:
    - head strong
    Personal Weaknesses:
    -her anger
    -her step sister / Family
    Hamartia: being wide with emotions, she can get easily side tracked while in a fight if she gets to upset. With her fiery form when only active when she is mad...she even attacks allies more or less out of control.
    Personal Hero: N/A
    Dreams and Ambitions: her dream is to avenge her near death accident when her step father left her to die.

    -Work with the Clan
    -teasing her opponents

    -Being told no
    -losing at a fight
    -losing control of her anger
    -death of plants and wildlife
    -Her step father

    Brief History: A women who was adopted as a baby by a noble family. She grew up as a daughter of a noble and pushed to be a sweet heart, which of course she was not. As she grew older around the age of 13 she found out she could nature bend. The plants and animals responded to her commands and she could create plants from the ground at will. Her parents of course did not like this at all as they wanted her to marry a noble of the Fire Nation. This of course she knew was a motion towards the mans money but she wanted to bend and learn how to use her talent. One day she was much older and she was 18 years of age, marrying age. Her parents sent her on a trip to the fire nation to meet this man they wanted to marry.

    On the day she met him he proposed and of course this was all planned by the two families; yet she said no. Out of rage he attacked her and accidentally set her on fire. She was engulfed ans the man watched in horror and ran away. She screamed for help and in the background the spirit of vengeance gave her the power to grab revenge upon the man who had killed her. The plants reacted which the spirit of Vengeance guided, as they dove and infused themselves to her body and she changed and became the form she can changed to at will. As she came to she saw her reflection in the river she awoke next to and saw her new face. She screamed and became angry for how she was almost killed then at the spark of rage she transformed again to her fiery side and she could now fire bend. Plants then exploded around her and they too were covered in fire.

    She was alter found by Osaro and was recruited by him and he helped master her abilities. He gave her the abilty to take revenge on her father and the family that had hurt her.

Last edited by TheLOONEYmuffin on Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:11 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : History edited)
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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 2:12 am

well Looks good.. IDK on how kouzai will feel on the different forms, not really Avatar - But I think it's unique and I can see how she can use bending to make it possible. It's Kinda like the Avatar State XD SOO I will approve it. Smile But kouzai, course, has the power to over rule my answer if he had a problem with it. Smile I'm ok with it as long you don't over use the ablities ;]

SOOO! With no farther A due, I Grant my approval with my newly created 'RIVER'S APPROVAL STAMP'!

Ambrosia the Plant women Approvedbyriver
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 8:04 am

Yeah....um, the different forms....it is very avatary...sorry, but uh....I'm gonna disapprove this. On the other hand! I approve the emotion thing.
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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 12:52 pm

So from jumping to her normal self and the other bending stages...it has to be triggered by emotion ?
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 1:42 pm

Um no, I don't approve this character in any form. I mean your pure emotion character thing.
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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 1:52 pm

Argh....back to the drawing board
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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 5:43 pm

what if she was saved by a earth spirit? It comes to her protection when in need or when your lady here feels threatened? It could be kinda like that black and white spirit the trasformed from a panda into a monster for when it was in rage. The forest guardian I think it was called?
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 6:04 pm

I already disapproved this, sorry.
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Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 10:34 pm

ok Smile I was just trying to help. geek
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Loremaster General
Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

Ambrosia the Plant women Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 25, 2012 11:17 pm

I know, lol just saying though.
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PostSubject: Re: Ambrosia the Plant women   Ambrosia the Plant women I_icon_minitime

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