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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Tsumi Buredo
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420 Years
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It is currently the year: 420 AO (After Ozai)

Kaniehtí:io "Ziio" Aarushi

Earth King Lu Meleng
Emperor Nobunaga Ezofuji
Tekonwenaharake Ojitsah, Waneek of the North and South
Roland Hirahara, King of the Four Winds
Light King Sallan Wynphyra V
Dark Lord Pan Daiyu


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 Lucy - Pure ambition

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Elite Novice
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PostSubject: Lucy - Pure ambition   Lucy - Pure ambition I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 3:27 am

Lucy - Pure ambition Tumblr_lz75vwRWmG1qf3wzmo2_500
|Lucy - A Golden Heart|
    Name: Lucy Heartfilia
    Age: 20
    Birthplace: Northern Watern Tribe
    Current Residence: Dragon Empire
    Rank: bender
    Occupation: N/A
    Element: Blood Bending, Minor Light bending
    Pets: Talking Cat - Arwen, a spirit trapped in a cats body. She is all black, with blue eyes. And can also speak, but does so rarely, and mostly only to Lucy. Arwen keeps her past pretty private, but has taken a liking to Lucy and they now travel together.
    Weapons: N/A

|Lust - Golden Beauty|
    Hair: Golden Blond
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'10"
    Clothes: Her clothes change with her mood. But she almost always wears heels, and some type of belt.
    Skin: Soft, perfect flawless skin.
    Body Type: Slim with a large bust, and wide hips

|Love - Golden Vanity|
    Personality: Lucy is a bit of a diva who takes exceptional pride in her looks and her bending ability. She is a clever, kind, and caring person. She is very confident in her appearance and sex appeal, often exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, Lucy is passionate for literature. Aside from her interest in writing and reading prose, she also likes shopping and cooking, she likes assertive men, and her favorite color is blue.
    Personal Strengths: Smart, Every man is attracted to her, good bender
    Personal Weaknesses: Vain, over confident
    Hamartia: Over confidence
    Personal Hero: n/a
    Dreams and Ambitions: To be the most beautiful women alive.

    -Color Blue

    -Ugly People
    -Being Laughed at

    Brief History:
    In the mist, among the people. In the dark, a new babe emerges.

    "Sleep, sleep, my little one
    Sleep while we wait for the rising sun.
    Winter's here, making endless night,
    But your smiles give my heart light.

    Sleep, sleep, though the day draws near.
    Light shines on all when the summer's here.
    Snow and ice shine clean and bright,
    Until then, my dear, good night."

    Her mothers lullaby echoed through her head. Every night as a young girl Lucys mother would sing it to her. And the words were forever branded into her consciousness. But today was a special day. Lucys mother, and all of her kin had an innate ability. One that others did not posses. Something powerful and dark in the wrong hands. But for Lucy it was a tool of defense.

    Fatherless, alone, without hope?

    Lucy had no father, or did not know him. Nor would her mother talk of him. Though several times through her training Lucys mother praised her for her power, and smarts. Saying she got it from her father. But no one in the tribe knew who he was, or where he came from. Just that long ago her mother took a trip, and came back pregnant.

    The day is old, im now a women.

    "Mother im now an adult. I wish to know of my father..." Lucy pleaded with both voice and eyes

    "i understand....though i have tried to keep this from you long enough...."

    A new kingdom, and a bender of light

    Lucys father is a bender of light, and so it seems she too has the ability. And is being trained by him. She mastered blood bending, Now is the time to see if she can conquer the light.
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Fire Lord Kouzai
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Fire Lord Kouzai

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Location : Well I used to have a life, but now I own the RPG, just kidding, but really

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PostSubject: Re: Lucy - Pure ambition   Lucy - Pure ambition I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 6:53 pm

Whoops! Sorry River! Thought this was another app! Approved by River!
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Posts : 647
Age : 30
Join date : 2010-07-06
Location : In my mind, having a Tea Party with Me, Myself, and I

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PostSubject: Re: Lucy - Pure ambition   Lucy - Pure ambition I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 10:09 pm

haha XD np ;P

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