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420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Soñaba True Villian

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PostSubject: Soñaba True Villian   Soñaba True Villian I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 11:21 pm

    Name: soñaba
    Age: As old as the first man gave birth to the emotions of all negative energy.
    Birthplace: Emotion
    Current Residence: N/A
    Rank: Spirit
    Occupation: N/A
    Element: Dark & Mind Bending
    Pets: N/A
    Weapons: N/A

    Birthday: Night of the Eclipse
    Blood type: N/A
    Hobbies: The Spirit of hate and negative energy is always around the largest pool of emotion of sadness and hatred. Moving from place to place he follows battles and war. With each battle that is fought he feeds much upon the emotion that is released from the warriors. So as his main hobbies, basking in human emotion.
    Quirks: This spirit is much different that a similar spirit which he hates with a vengeance. He is a spirit that feeds off human emotion much like fear, anger, hatred, blood lust, rage, and any other emotion that leads to a sin in his eyes. He can use his bending abilities to insight fear in his enemies, from dark bending to mind bending as he screws with the thoughts and emotions of his opponents. Much less using his enemies past memories as a weapon, he also is a very quick learner to adapt to certain situations.
    Family:Spirit connection with Inferno = Mortal enemies
    Character Theme:Nightmare- Avenged Sevenfold

    Hair: This spirit has no hair what so ever, being a someone of energy and soul. He takes form of pure evil
    Eyes: Empty and void less, his eyes show the past aggressions of mankind. White pools of light are what his eyes consist of. With complete control which is used to insight fear in the lower minds, mist of white energy can float upwards from his eyes.
    Height: He does not stand on two legs as some spirits do, much he is different. He floats above the ground, though his size is extremely large. Tall, from the hips up he is 7 feet tall, across he is 8 feet across.
    Clothes: With the armor of the first generations of war, he has a very cruel and sickening look of armor. The armor is a set from the earliest settlers that had gone to war. Gothic looking armor that covers his body from hips to shoulders. From spikes on his shoulder guards, to the gold lined wrist guards. He is covered by this Gothic armor from the victims he has killed, his armor changes
    Skin: Dark, oil like, black. His skin looks like the darkness that swallows the forest at night. yet with ever movement a black mist follows his ever movement.
    Body Type: The black energy has taken a large shape, without a lower body. His body is shaped to be very muscular even though the being has real no muscles, more or less just a lot of energy.

    Personality: Top predator, a being that will seek the highest amount of negative energy. He is a being that cares not for honor, valor, being who's right. A being of single minded chaos bent on living within the emotion of the people living in the world. You can not make a deal with him, you can not talk to him, you can't even beg for mercy. What he wants he will not give up.
    Personal Strengths: With the two bending abilities Dark and Mind bending he is immune to. With being from and joined together of the mental and dark abilities, he can not be hurt by mind bending or dark bending. Any and all efforts with those two kinds of bending, he can easily counter and twist against his enemies.
    Personal Weaknesses: With being a being of darkness and of the mind, he also has a very large weakness. The light, light bending and spirit bending. Yet of course any other bending can effect him and hurt him. Light & Spirit bending can effect him more greatly.
    Hamartia: One fatal flaw, with a loss he is bound by verbal contract to fight until the end of time until he beats the man or girl who had defeated him in battle. He cannot fight anyone else until his contract is complete
    Personal Hero: N/A
    Dreams and Ambitions:He is a spirit with only one goal in mind, losing his first fight against Inferno. He wants to end and kill the man. He had beaten in the past, with a dead lock the contract is void also that Inferno is half spirit. Being beaten by a spirit does not infer contract lock down. YET Sonaba still wants to kill Inferno!


    -spirit benders
    -Light benders
    -emotionless people

    Brief History: From the first war, from the first act of murder. Anger and sorrow are emotions that are one with humanities emotional pool. With this over the countless times of war and fights, their emotion created Vengeance. With the energy outputted in the world, it mixed with their emotions and Sonaba was created. The being of energy as created in the world reality of spirits. This Spirit then entered the real world during the beginning of the "magic" wars. The first thing he chased after was the emotional pool, the largest that caught his attention...Inferno. This was during the time he was released by the Fire Lord and sealed with his Royal Crest.

    Inferno now working directly with the Fire Lord was releasing the most hatred for the Fire Lord even though he works for him. With Inferno the biggest beacon, Sonaba chased hm down and they fought for hours and Sonaba beat him in mortal Combat, month later Inferno hunted him down and beat him in combat. With his first loss, now anger and frustration though not bound by contract because technically Inferno is half spirit...he is not bound. Now Sonaba travels the world looking for Inferno as he wants to settle the score and make the record 2-1.

Last edited by TheLOONEYmuffin on Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Soñaba True Villian Empty
PostSubject: Re: Soñaba True Villian   Soñaba True Villian I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2012 11:26 pm

Can't approve this, there's already a spirit of love and hate. Someome's already claimed them. Disapproved.
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PostSubject: Re: Soñaba True Villian   Soñaba True Villian I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 1:37 am

I do not want to be rude but he is not a Spirit for just hate and love....well Definitely not love. He is a Spirit of negative energy, I made that mistake by just putting hate. I meant to say he was a Spirit of all negative energy.

I hope he can still be approved
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PostSubject: Re: Soñaba True Villian   Soñaba True Villian I_icon_minitime

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