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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Vladimere Saori

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Zero Tomino
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PostSubject: Vladimere Saori   Vladimere Saori I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 2:54 am

    Name: Vladimere Saori
    Birthplace8: Dark Nation capitol city
    Current Residence: Dark Nation capitol city
    Rank: Bender, Thief
    Occupation: Steals from the rich and gives to the needy.
    Element: Shadowbender
    Pets: None
    Weapons: He can shadowbend melee weapons like Katanas and claws and stuff.


    Birthday: June 2
    Blood type: Hmmm seems un important.... are there vampires here?
    Hobbies: Doing Bad for the good
    Quirks: He is friends with a rich girl and yet he steals from the rich.
    Family:An Orphan and an only child. He has a parental father figure named Sterling Kuzo
    Character Theme: Aint no rest for the wicked by Cage the Elephant

    Hair: He has hair Long and dark as the Night sky that flows freely with out a care.
    Eyes: Light gray like the waning moon.
    Height: 6'2
    Clothes: He wears black to stay stealthy and blend in with the shadows.
    Skin: Pale skin that burns easy in the sun.
    Body Type:He is average and slightly muscular. His parkour, speed, agility and acrobatic skill are all he needs.
    Image:Vladimere Saori Tek500a26b368c699139500

    Personality: Vladimere is a nice guy who does good for the meek and the poor, He does his hardest at any task. He can be a quiet guy but he is a smart ass at sometimes, He is usually outgoing and an open minded person. If he falls down he always gets up and dont catch him on his bad days... you will be mind fucked.
    Personal Strengths: He likes cities and places with hights and alot of buildings, he can do lots of parkour and free running with this scenery. He is a grade B sword specialist and is deadly with a katana. He is a master shadow bender and cand do alot with it if he puts his mind to it. He can pocket pick and lock pick and sneak around without being noticed.
    Personal Weaknesses:Well hmmm, he doesnt really have much of a weakness except burning in the sun like a match i guess.... hes not too big on having to kill people either.
    Hamartia: His eyes... He cant see too well in the day becaus he doesnt go out in the day much cause of his skin burning in the sunlight.
    Personal Hero: His Father figure... Sterling Kuzo.
    Dreams and Ambitions: Finding out what happened to his parents and who they were.
    Likes: Night time, Food, Sterling Kuzo, Doing good, and Parkour.

    Dislikes: Daytime, No food, Greedy rich people, and rural areas.

    Brief History: WHen he was three, His parents died of an unknown death. When he was found on the streen crying by a bum conartist, Sterling Kuzo, He looked after him like he was his own. At age 7, Kuzo was using Vlad as a pic pocket and teaching him the ways of the con, They were living on easy street basically. When Vladimere was 10, He and Kuzo discovered his ability to Shadowbend. Kuzo had a friend who was a Shadowbender who lived halfway across the city away from their hide out. Markus Shi Li tought Vlad everything he new about shadowbending. He developed a technique of shadowbending while experimenting one day, mixing parkour with the lessons tought to him by a fellow bum. At age 14, Markus became ill with a high fever and was in horrible shape.... He died on Friday, April the 13th. As Markus's friends and family gathered to mourn at his cerimony, Sterling turned to Vlad and told him. "Times are tough for people like us, Son, and the people living above us look down and frown at our kind. But, you.... I promise, you will do great things to help our kind in this city... Never forget that. You have the potential of a hero to our people... Promise me you will never doubt yourself and forget that." He promised and kept it till today where he is in the midst of getting his hands on a great wealth of the riches person in the city... Mandrid Fong.

Last edited by Zumoariri Nitsuki on Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Vladimere Saori   Vladimere Saori I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 1:15 pm

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Zero Tomino
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PostSubject: Re: Vladimere Saori   Vladimere Saori I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 21, 2012 1:29 pm

Excellent... Let the Epicosity engage.
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PostSubject: Re: Vladimere Saori   Vladimere Saori I_icon_minitime

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