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Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG

420 years after the fall of Ozai, decades of tranquility have brought about an era where peace is no longer only a mere philosophical abstraction. However beyond the grasp of the Four Nations, a long lost legacy resurfaces.
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 Tiran Nigato

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Posts : 1
Age : 30
Join date : 2012-06-06

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PostSubject: Tiran Nigato   Tiran Nigato I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 06, 2012 11:17 pm

    Name: Tiran Nigato
    Age: Tiran is seventeen!
    Birthplace: He was born in the southern water tribe
    Current Residence: He lives in a lower-class area of the Northern Water Tribe
    Rank: Bender
    Element: Water
    Pets: polar bear-dog
    Weapons: He occasionally carries around a spear. It has a wooden shaft and a jagged tooth of some arctic beast or another (I'll figure it out). He makes notches in it for every large animal that he's gotten into a fight with and come out victorious. It has thirteen notches so far.

    Birthday: He was born on the thriteenth of January, 690 OA
    Blood type: O-
    Hobbies: He enjoys music, both vocal and instrumental, and can sing rather well. He can play the lute, and does so in his free time.
    Quirks: His eyes are two different colors. One's ice blue, the other light green.
    Character Theme: (A theme song you think best matches your character)

    Hair: Tiran has thick black hair that goes part-way down his back. He usually wears it in some sort of restraining accessory to keep it out of his face when he's bending, and it behaves well (i.e. He usually doesn't have to fight with it).
    Eyes: As said before in the quirk section, his left eye is a very light green, whereas his right is ice blue. Sometimes they appear to be the same color when he is very focused, like trying something new to him, or something that requires his full attention. It also happens when he's pissed off.
    Height: He's about 5 foot 10.

    Clothes: Tiran fully believes in being ready for anything, so he usually frowns on excessive or unnecessary clothing. Instead, he wears the traditional short sleeved, blue and white, Water Tribe training tunic that fits him snugly. His pants, which are as usual an average blue, are ankle length and made of a soft, fleecy material. Tiran wears a single sea glass earring (an upside-down pyramid, attached to a small piece of dark leather, wrapped around the piece that goes through the lobe. His little sister made is before she died.) on his right ear, which he fiddles with sometimes. His shoes are black leather, nothing fancy. He sees them as things to keep your feet warm. He wears a gray pair of shorts underneath the pants which he often wears by themselves when the weather permits it. When he fishes or hunts he sometimes wears leather gloves to protect his hands from the coarse shaft of his spear.

    Skin: Tiran has smooth skin, as he hasn't been involved in many battles. As with many people of the Water Tribes, he is somewhat tan as well.
    Body Type: He is strongly built, but not wide. He definitely isn't one of the bodybuilder Earth Benders from Ba Sing Se, but he is muscular. For example, he doesn't have a six-pack, but he does have a muscled torso and abdomen. Sort of like "I'm strong but I'm not a show off."
    Image: None to speak of at the moment.


    Personality: He's definitely gentle. He has power, but he also has a strong sense of empathy, and is not usually aggressive. When he knows a person doesn't like him, however, he usually hides his kind exterior, preferring to wear one similar to the ice he can bend.
    Personal Strengths: He's very kind, and easy to make smile
    He is an exceptional waterbender, though he doesn't always use it.
    He believes the best of people, and is quick to give them the benefit of the doubt.
    Personal Weaknesses: Tiran can be too trusting. He has been stood up a few times as a result.
    He can be frustrated easily by just about anything. Political red tape is one of the worst, but if someone tries to explain a complex concept he probably will give up after a few minutes.
    Personal Hero: His hero is Katara. Ass he describes her, she "Had an ironclad resolve and could bend like no other, but she was also a healer. She must've had a caring side."
    Dreams and Ambitions: Well, like most boys around his age, he wants to become the best waterbender the world has ever seen. Fortunately he knows that this is impossible, so he merely aspires to be the best he can be. He also longs to become a well-known musician.

    Likes: Being happy
    Healing people/making them feel better
    Dislikes: People who are condescending
    People who won't help others, even when they obviously can
    Haters in general
    Making himself out to be more than he is
    Being very warm (he really likes the cold)
    Brief History:

Tiran was raised in the Southern Water Tribe cpatial. Utterly unremarkable, his entire family was just another group of people living in the South. When he was about five years old, Tiran showed signs of being a waterbender. Nothing was really definite, just some displaced water here, a puddle nearby that wasn't there a few seconds ago, things like that. That same year, Tiran's little sister Nirene was born. He, along with the entire section of the city, absolutely adored her.

Tiran's father, Garteg, is a fisherman and had been for most of his life. As a result, most of his time was spent on the sea. His job was not made any easier by the fact that he was a non-bender. His mother was a healer in the city and ran her own clinic. Nirene was a sickly child from the start, afflicted with one problem after another, but Tiran's mother Laura was always able to fashion some solution to it within a few days.

When Tiran hit ten, Garteg deemed it was time that his son learn the art of fishing instead of helping with "The women's work." It was on his first excurssion that Tiran discovered he was a bender. When he asked his father why they had to spear the fish instead of just moving them into the boat, his father just snorted and said "You're talking like one of those stuffed up benders, with their 'magic water'. Trust me boy, you ain't got a drop of bender blood in ya. And your mother doesn't count." Tiran found this confusing as he always had when his father talked this way. Garteg claimed he wasn't a bender, but yet he could feel the water underneath him, and he could feel the fish moving through it. Maybe everyone did. But then, when his father fell asleep (as his mother always guessed he did on the boat, as a result of the measly amounts of fish he brought home) Tiran reached out with that "something" he had always felt within himself, took hold of the water, and after syncronyzing the way his body moved to the way he wanted the water to move, successfully lifted a sphere of water that contained at least twenty fish out of the ocean and over the boat. Unfortunately, since he hadn't ever received training, his spirit tired quickly and the sphere lost its form, drenching both Tiran and Garteg, and also dropping the twenty fish into the boat.

Garteg was not pleased with his son's discovery, and sank into a shallow depression that he never quite got over. Now around that time, Nirene caught what Laura thought was a simple case of hacking-cough (bronchitis). However, after about three weeks of staying at home to heal her, Laura eventually concluded that whatever it was that was afflicting Nirene was not responding to her treatments. And she was only getting worse. She developed a fever, then a few days after that began vomiting. Laura did all she could to conceal this, and was fairly successful because neither Tiran nor Garteg was home during the day. Nirene had gotten sick in early December, and at the end of the month Laura now fell sick. It was about a week after Tiran's 11th birthday that Nirene died at six years old. He was devastated, and was further still saddened when the healers that worked for his mother informed him that Laura was most likely going to die the same way. A week later, she did.

With Garteg wasting away the family savings in bars in the city all day, every day, Tiran was left to fend for himself. He made a very modest living doing the only thing he'd learned: fishing. With the aid of his ever-strengthening waterbending, he made a living for his father and himself for three years. Finally, in mid-April of 704 OA, Tiran took a stand. He demanded that his father either get back to work and help support him (for Garteg's bar tabs only got more and more expensive) or he was leaving. So Garteg physically tossed him out of the house with a small pouch of money and told him that he was "Not my spirits-damned son!"

Numbed, Tiran spent a few days at the healer's building to collect himself, and the healers willingly provided for him. When he announced that he was leaving for the Northern Water Tribe, they were all quite shocked. However, the chief healer, Katara (named for and VERY distantly related to the hero of old, who had stepped up to take ownership of the clinic after Laura died) told him that her grandparents lived in the capital, and gave him their address, saying that they would only be too happy to help him get on his feet.

And so, Tiran bought passage to the Northern Water Tribe on a long-distance voyage that involved several ship transfers. After about a month and a half (there were a few waterbenders on board) of sailing, they reached the capital. Tiran, regardless of his element of choice, was extremely glad to be on semi-dry land again. He met up with Katara's grandparents, and they gladly offered to let him stay with them. He applied to train with a waterbending Master, and was allowed to study in one of the temples. After only a month under his master, he was moved up to a much more accelerated class because of his natural affinity for bending. After only a few months in that class, he was removed from training and instead taken under the tutelage of his master privately. This meant that he could not officially "graduate" from the program, but he could improve his technique even more. He chose to leave this envied opportunity at sixteen and ten months, after two years of being his master's prized pupil. He enjoyed the experience immensely, but he had an intense impulse to become a traveler. He had lived behind tall walls for his entire life, and now longed to be outside and see the world. Using his considerable waterbending talents (which included healing, as Katara's grandmother was also a healer and had taught him a few tricks, and icebending) he managed to scrounge up enough money from odd jobs and of course fishing to pay for passage to Ba Sing Se, where he is now considering what he should do with his life.
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PostSubject: Re: Tiran Nigato   Tiran Nigato I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 07, 2012 3:27 am


Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay Smile
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